02 March 2011

Fox News - "Lopsided and Unbalanced - Pt. 1"

I am tired of Faux News distoring the news so as to disinform and misinform the poor people who can't critically think for themselves. So, I will begin collecting distorted Faux News clips here at the Watchworld and file them under the tab "Fox News - "Lopsided and Unbalanced". This way, you can have a quick reference to how many times this network can't report the facts straight.

In today's clip, just look at the background of supposed Wisconsin protesters roughing up members who oppose them. Question for those accept Faux News at face value: when did Wisconsin have palm trees on their streets?

"Greed, Greed, And Fuckin' More Greed!" An Angry Irishman Vents About Banksters, The Credit Crisis And The Collapse Of The Celtic Tiger Economy

I love this guy, whoever he is. And I love how he tells the interviewer to Fuck Off at th end of the interview. This is the kind of truth you will not hear on mainstream TV in America:

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