22 December 2010

Richard Wolff: Get Off The Debt Train, America

A short, but sweet observation on Americans and their credit binge from the past 30 years as seen by Richard Wolff during a GRITtv interview. Wolff is calling for fundamental changes in our Economic structure.

Wolff is telling us we cannot go back to being pinoneers who no longer "Go west", but who, instread, "Go into debt, " as that way only puts us back on a train running down the tracks into a brick wall.

Tale of Two Cities In Washington, D.C.

A director of a Washington, D.C. food bank says only 5% of her clients are homeless. The other 95% are working poor.

We also learn Washington, D.C. has the highest percentage of Food Stamp users in the nation at 21.5% of its population versus 14% average nationwide.

21 December 2010

Jim Rogers Still Bullish On Commodities And China

The 2010 Census Data (With Sliding Look Back At Past Census Data)

This is an ingenious tool developed by the US Census Bureau. You can click on individual states to see their change in population. You can click on years at the bottom of the interactive graph to see a sliding trend in population growth overset a map of the USA.


p.s. And if the tool is acting "buggy" by not supplying you with the just released 2010 data, you may click here to go directly to the US Census Bureau site where their map's features seem to work quickly and all the time.

Bilk of America: Nevada and Arizona States Attorney Generals File Lawsuits Against Bank of America For Fraudulent And Deceptive Practices

The first two lawsuits by states attorney generals have just been filed against Bank of America. These lawsuits center around Bank of America's alleged fraudulent and deceptive practices concerning loan "re-modifications".

MSNBC's "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann reports why Nevada State Attorney General, Catherine Cortez Matso (D), filed her lawsuit against Bank of America:

"Misleading consumers with false assurances that their homes would not be foreclosed while their requests for modifications were pending, but sending foreclosure notices, scheduling auction dates, and even selling consumers' homes while waiting for decisions.

Misrepresenting to consumers that they must be in default on their mortgages to be eligible for modifications when, in fact, current borrowers are eligible for assistance.

Making false promises to consumers that their modifications would be made permanent if they successfully completed trial modification periods, but then failing to convert these modifications.

And falsely notifying consumers or credit agencies that consumers are in default when they are not."

In addition to the Nevada and Arizona lawsuits, Countdown also notes that Iowa Attorney General, Tom Miller (D), is continuing to coordinate a 50 state investigation in loan servicers' documentation practices, practices which have led some loan servicers to foreclose on homeowners who had already paid off their mortgages in full.

In a meeting with homeowners last week, Tom Miller said, "We will put people in jail," and he described the current exploitive and dysfunctional loan re-modification program as "Insane".

Countdown's fill in host, Chris Hayes, then goes on to interview Terry Goddard (D), Arizona Attorney General, for an eye opening look at how pervasive the "bilking of America" really is:

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

David Stockman Tells Dylan Ratigan What The Biggest Fiscal Mistake In US History Is

David Stockman, former Director of OMB during Ronald Reagan's administration, and Dylan Ratigan discuss the Tax Cut deal between Republicans and Democrats. Stockman calls the Bush Tax Cuts "the biggest fiscal mistake in history."

As Ratigan points out in the segment's beginning, the defecit has been a problem for the better part of 30 years. In 1981, under Ronald Reagan, our debt was 32% of our GDP. When Reagan left office, our debt/GDP ratio had grown to 52%.

Today, our debt is 94% of our GDP.

Ratigan and Stockman talk candidly about the reasons we are in this sad state of burgeoning debt and shrinking revenues.

As Stockman so succinctly says, "We are destroying the Economy on Uncle Sam's credit card. And the idea that (the extended Bush Tax Cuts) this will cause consumers to spend for some more junk from Home Depot that's going to be made in China . . . to me . . . doesn't make any sense at all."

And toward the end of this interview, Stockman let's loose with this:

"In January 2000, there were 72 million middle class jobs . . . manufacturing, construction, finance, insurance, real estate, the professions, transportation, distribution and so forth. Today, a decade later, there are only 65 million (middle class jobs). We've lost 10% of our middle class family supporting jobs, and we've only created temporary, part-time jobs, so there's been no real growth. What we've had instead is a Fed engineered serial bubble that's created the appearance of wealth, that has caused people to consume beyond their means through borrowing and that has flushed the income and the wealth of our society up to the top as a result of the Fed turning the financial markets into a casino.

These are pure casinos. They are NOT capital markets. They are not adding to the productive capacity of our Economy. They are simply a bunch of robots trading with each other by the millisecond as a result of the Fed giving them Zero Cost overnight money and giving them all kinds of hand signals on what to front run.

This is a very bad mess and we're not going to get our Economy solved until we get a totally new policy at the Fed and a clean up of this whole casino that used to be called Wall Street."

Jim Corr of the Irish Band "The Corrs" Talks About "Robin Hood In Reverse"

Jim Corr of the Corrs talks more economic sense than 99.9% of all Politicians and Economists in Europe.

Corr proclaims what Ireland needs to do now: quit bailing out the bondholders and private shareholders of the Too Big To Fail Banks in his country. He states Ireland needs to follow Iceland's lead and feed the failure of the big banks to the people who supported the banks by purchasing bonds and failed derivatives. He advocates not forcing the failures of the banks onto the taxpayers who did not support the banks in the first place.

He says it is massive fraud in banking which privatized gains while socializing losses.

What Corr doesn't use are the words "Moral Hazard", but Jim Corr does introduce one free mention of "The Money Masters", a film which The Watchworld recently brought to light on this very blog.

If you have never watched "The Money Masters", click here now and educate yourself as to who controls the central banks of the most powerful nations on the planet.

Meanwhile . . . why does it take a musician from an Irish band to pose hardball questions which few elected politicians dare whisper?

p.s. And for those of you who have never heard The Corrs, here's one of my favorites by them, "When The Stars Go Blue" with some guy named Bono doing a stand in, LIVE:

Business/Economic/Housing/Layoff News for 21 Dec 10

20 December 2010

60 Minutes Looks At "Day Of Reckoning" For Our Insolvent States

60 Minutes ran an alarming, short segment last night about states which are broke and which can no longer meet their promises.

One state, Arizona, has sold off the State Capitol building (along with several other buildings) to investors. Arizona then leases back the buildings.

Insolvent states are one of the biggest near-future cataclysms facing US taxpayers which gets little notice. As Governor Christie of New Jersey states, government workers employed by states and municipalities have got to realize their pensions are at risk, that if they don't sit down and try to renegotiate their pension deals, they might all wake up ten years from now without any pensions at all.

If you think the USA is well on the road to recovery, take a few minutes out of your busy day to watch this short segment from last night's 60 Minutes:

19 December 2010

Stat Counter from 10 Nov 08