16 August 2012

Climate Change And The 2012 Drought: NOW Interviews Dr. Jeffrey Sachs of the Earth Institute and Eric Bates of Rolling Stone

Alex Wagner on NBC's NOW interviews Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He talks about the drought plaguing the U.S., its political implications, and what it means about changing the views of denialists on climate change.

Ms. Wagner also has on Eric Bates, Executive Editor of Rolling Stone Magazine, which recently published an alarming and much discussed story about climate change, Global Warming's Terrifying New Math by Bill McKibben. Published more than a month ago on its website, this story is still the number one article on its "Most Popular" sidebar.

Both Wagner and Bates lacerate lobbyists and big money men from Big Oil -such as the Koch Brothers - who buy and payoff politicians to give distorted views on science and the environment.

As climate change causes more disturbances in weather, and as more Americans wake up to how climate change can negatively affect farmers, food prices, and those businesses, small and large, downstream, the more pressure will be put on the Kochs, Murdochs and Trumps of this world who deny climate change is here and is for real:
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Watch the Rise of High Frequency Trading; bonus: Max Keiser "What If Algo Bot Shrugged?"

Here's a very quick . . .  and silent . . . five year look at high frequency trades on the US's major stock market. Notice that in 2007, the volume spikes were clearly noticeable at the morning's open and the afternoon's close.

As time moves forward in this short video, notice how the high frequency trades become bigger and noisier between the open and closes.

By the time we read 2012, the high frequency trading is so prevalent, that the live representation on this graph looks like a pink noise generator used by sound men to set the equalization in a new arena or room where they are setting up a multi-million dollar PA.

Check this out. This shows why most of the volume in the stock markets now is not by longterm investors, many of whom have fled the exits years ago after losing faith in a rigged casino where the rule of law was tossed out the Penthouse windows of the Banksters who control the action:

p.s. As a bonus, here is a very short Max Keiser and Stacy clip talking about HFT being 86% of the NYSE daily volume and how just yesterday, a key executive of one of Australia's largest retail stock brokerages, just blew the lid off the damage HFT was doing to that country and it's stock exchange.

Mike Maloney's 90 Minute Speech On Gold, Silver, Fiat Currencies, the Fed, Manias And What To Do Soon

We've all scoffed at the thought of $2,000 gold in the past. (I can remember people on a certain Motley Fool discussion board saying gold would never cross the $1,000 line.) But what do you say to the thought - the possibility - that gold might one day be priced at $20,000 per ounce?

How would it get there from here?

Even if you don't believe in $20,000 an ounce gold, but you feel something "just isn't right in the world economy", you will want to watch this video to learn what is happening to world markets in stocks, bonds, real estate and other cyclical assets

Mike Maloney, founder of Goldsilver.com, and the writer of a definitive book on gold & silver investing, Rich Dad's Advisors: Guide to Investing In Gold and Silver: Protect Your Financial Future, gives one of the very best 90 minute seminars - with accompanying screen shots of graphs, diagrams and photos which make his concise, brilliant talk come alive.

Not only is Maloney one of the best speakers on gold, silver, money and currency in the world, he also knows the history of gold, silver, manias, stock markets, the Federal Reserve and a dozen more macro-economic topics which he covers very well in only 1 1/2 hours.

And now, grab a cup of tea or java. Find a comfy seat. Sit and watch this video without any interruptions. Just absorb it like a sponge. You might know a lot of what Maloney covers, but its those historical tidbits about past crashes, government debt, government crisis, etc., which will make you admire the man and his thesis all the more.

After viewing this, you will feel like gold will definitely blow past the $2,000 an ounce mark even if $20,000 might be a stretch. But as Mike stresses, silver is an even better buy at this time in history. And he explains why in a way which shows how silver could outsprint gold for future returns.

Once you've seen this video, be sure to share it with your family and friends:

15 August 2012

Max Keiser And Stacy: London Banksters vs. U.S. Banksters

"The City" (of London) is extremely upset with Wall Street. They are at war. The old empire vs. the new empire.

Max and Stacy explain why the two nation's are at each other's throats over the global banking system which both claim to oversee.

300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds

I was introduced to this short video in the Acknowledgments of Richard Heinberg's "The End of Growth", a book I am currently reading (along with "The Fourth Turning" by William Strauss and Neil Howe) and after viewing it just moments ago, I wanted to share this with people who have never seen it.

Enjoy "300 Years Of Fossil Fuels In 300 Seconds":

Stat Counter from 10 Nov 08