20 October 2008

Socialist Business Lover McCain Meets Pot Calling Kettle Black

(Photo of the "Maverick" hugging the man he voted with 90% of the time)

McCain's Hypocrisy on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

If John McCain were a "Straight Talker", he'd step up and fire all the hypocrites who've destroyed his badly run campaign by turning him into a braying jackass who no longer thinks before he speaks. And then McCain would fess up to his negative tactics which are embraced by Karl "Dr. Doom" Rove, Rush "Oxy" Limbaugh, Bill "Falafel" O' Reilly, and other henchmen who do the Neo Con lifting for today's festering Republican Party.

We cannot think he'll come clean before the election. He picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. End of story.

But just to keep it honest, you know how McPain keeps harping on how Obama has Mr. Raines (former CEO of Fannie Mae . . . and not even on the payroll) as his advisor (proven by the mainstream median to not be true), have you ever stopped to look over McCain's chain pullers?

Possible Treasury of the Secretary under John MorePain:

"Phil Gramm's career was as the most aggressive advocate of every predatory and rapacious element that the financial sector has," Mr. Galbraith said. "He's a sorcerer's apprentice of instability and disaster in the financial system."

Aww, man, that sucks. Be nice to the doddering Senator who is on the ropes. Let's talk to his Campaign Manager, Rick Davis:

WASHINGTON--John McCain campaign manager Rick Davis--under the spotlight because of his work for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--is skipping a Wednesday lunch with reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

On Tuesday, word came that McCain political director Mike DuHaime will substitute for Davis because he is "heading out on the trail" today.

Davis is the subject of stories in the New York Times and Newsweek about his work for the failed mortgage market makers. At issue right now: did Davis contradict McCain's statement that he has not been involved with Fannie and Freddie for some time.

Question: What is the matter with you people who actually question Authority? Are you anti-Americans for never questioning anything the GOP (Greed on Parade) sends you in the mail?

Please, be a patriotic American. Don't think for yourselves. Go out, shop. Be a good little consumer. Continue your dance into debt. Uncle Sugar has your back.

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