22 November 2010

Great Interview By Jon Stewart of Joe Nocera & Bethany McLain On Wall Street Fraud

Jon Stewart got so into this interview, that he kept the guests on for double their alloted time and told viewers to go to the internet to see the whole unedited version.

Stewart at one point, gets the two guests to agree to the following equations which Wall Street Banksters live by:

Gambling = Innovation

Clients = Idiots

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

This is the unedited version not all of which was televised. There is explicit language as Stewart gets into the book "All The Devil's Are Here" written by Joe Nocera & Bethany McLain.

Again this is NSFW - not suitable for work - because of language. But is is language we all need to hear, so, if you have to, put on some headphones and watch this at lunch or on coffee break.

Some of you know Nocera's work for the New York Times and some of you know McLain's writing from Vanity Fair. Before writing this book together, Nocera said he was already "mad" about how Wall Street worked but as he co-wrote this book he got "a whole lot madder", while McLain said, "before this book, I thought it was all a big accident, and then after I finished (the book) I didn't think it was a big accident."

This is an outstanding interview as Stewart, along with Nocera and McLain, break down the Credit Crash into the easy to understand language of a gambling addict:

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