16 September 2011

Did Fannie Mae, Owned By US Taxpayers, Just Bailout Bank Of America This Month?

Bank of America was supposed to have put up some 400,000 loans for sale to private banks recently. Those loans allowed Bank of America to collect $73 Million in service fees.

But before the sale went through, Fannie Mae bought the loans for what appears to be $500,000,000 (half-billion dollars).

Which leads one to ask, "Why didn't Bank of America go through with the originally planned sale?

And why did the US Taxpayer bailout Bank of America without any noise about it in the Mainstream Media?"

Lastly, if this is indeed correct, why would Fannie Mae overpay by 7 times $500,000,000 for a potential service fee profit of only $73 Million? Was this just another shady bailout of a Too Big To Fail Bank?

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