06 October 2011

A 16 Yr. Old Protester, Jelani Gibson, From Pontiac Michigan Explains Why He's At Occupy Wall Street

Turnstyle News from Oakland, CA interviewed Jelani, a 16-year-old protester who traveled with his grandmother from Pontiac, Michigan to New York City for the Occupy Wall Street protests. "I had never slept on the street before," he says. His mom said it was okay to take time out from school, because he has a 4.0 GPA.

Jelani articulates, "I realize that once the previous generation is gone, my generation will be left with the mess . . ." A tip of my Miami Heat cap to Jealani's mom and grandmom for bringing him to the "field" to see an historic moment firsthand.

Jelani, Occupy Wall Street from adele pham on Vimeo.

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