16 August 2012

Climate Change And The 2012 Drought: NOW Interviews Dr. Jeffrey Sachs of the Earth Institute and Eric Bates of Rolling Stone

Alex Wagner on NBC's NOW interviews Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He talks about the drought plaguing the U.S., its political implications, and what it means about changing the views of denialists on climate change.

Ms. Wagner also has on Eric Bates, Executive Editor of Rolling Stone Magazine, which recently published an alarming and much discussed story about climate change, Global Warming's Terrifying New Math by Bill McKibben. Published more than a month ago on its website, this story is still the number one article on its "Most Popular" sidebar.

Both Wagner and Bates lacerate lobbyists and big money men from Big Oil -such as the Koch Brothers - who buy and payoff politicians to give distorted views on science and the environment.

As climate change causes more disturbances in weather, and as more Americans wake up to how climate change can negatively affect farmers, food prices, and those businesses, small and large, downstream, the more pressure will be put on the Kochs, Murdochs and Trumps of this world who deny climate change is here and is for real:
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