27 August 2012

Mike Maloney On Russia Today: ''Close The Federal Reserve"

Mike Maloney, author of "Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver", founder of Goldsilver.com and wealthcycles.com,  is interviewed on Russia Today by Lauren Lyster.

Mike points out that the United States did not have an income tax system in place until after the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Malone and Lauren both discuss how the Fed banking cartel depends on taxpayers to keep going the ponzi scheme whereby our taxes go to pay for more wealth transfer to the banksters at the top. As Mike explains and Lauren concurs, taxes pay for the creation of more fiat currency, a currency (in this case the US Dollar) which is backed by nothing more than IOUs which we the taxpayers pay interest on to the Oligarchs and banksters at the top.

Enjoy the interview:

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