(Image courtesty of seedsofdoubt.com. Click to enlarge.)
John McCain, Just Another Bush Co. Bidness Man Looking to Seal the Deal by Any Means
A year ago, yours truly entertained the thought of voting for a McCain/Bloomberg ticket. Today, I wouldn't vote for a McCain/Jesus or McCain/Ghandi ticket. Not even the addition of a deep thinking human with a soul as VP nominee could erase any doubt in my mind that McCain was bent on further destroying America's place in this world via more Bush Co. pandering to corporate policy directing our national policy and pandering to hyprocritical "End Time" religious wingunts taking over the Supreme Court.
Rolling Stone Magazine has been been at the forefront of revealing the true John McCain which the suck ups in the Mainstream Media were late to unmasking. A recent piece from Rolling Stone, entitled "The Double Talk Express" simply took quotes and actions from McCain and placed them side by side in a slide photo type of montage.
Rolling Stone didn't catch all the flip flops that bloggers on the Internet have been chronicling, such as John McCain's dead on quote a few years ago calling Jerry Falwell and his ilk, "Agents of Intolerance", and how McCain is now actively pursuing the Christian Taliban vote . . . especially since he added Sarah Palin to his ticket. But that's okay. Their list is worth passing on to fence sitters everywhere.
Remembering how the Republicans had such a jolly time with their John Kerry flip flops in the last election, I thought I'd amalgamate the same list of quotes and actions of John McCain "Then/Now" in a linear written line up without the photos.
Just read this list and ask yourself why the G.O.P. "fun bunch" haven't thought of pasting McCain's photo to flip flops and selling them for a quick buck on Dick Cheney's favorite small business opp for middle class and lower class Americans: eBay?
When McCain started toadying to the Relgious wingnuts of the Jerry Falwell/Pat Roberston school of intolerance, and when McCain dropped his opposition to torture, that's when I knew the man was going to sell out to the Bush Company Neo Cons . . . and he has.
McCain's flip flops prove he is just another gutless politician who offers nothing more than another 4 years of the same failed policies of the One Party Rule which wrecked this country. So here's an incomplete list of John "Flip Flop" McCain:
1. 2001: "I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans."
NOW 2007: "I will not let the Democrats roll back the Bush tax cuts."2008: "I think that what we need is more tax cuts."
2. THEN 2006: Wrote McCain-Kennedy bill, which would have given 11 million illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.
NOW Jan. 2008: In GOP primary debate, was asked whether he would still vote for his own bill: "No, I would not."
3. THEN March 2008: Told The Wall Street Journal, "I'm always for less regulation."Called for "removing regulatory, accounting and tax impediments" to financial markets.
NOW Sept. 2008: As Wall Street melted down, declared, "We're going to enact and enforce reforms to make sure that these outrages never happen in the first place."
4. THEN 2007: "It was used in the Spanish Inquisition, it was used in Pol Pot's genocide in Cambodia, and there are reports that it is being used against Buddhist monks today....It is torture."
NOW 2008: Voted against bill that would prevent waterboarding by requiring all U.S. interrogators to comply with legal standards imposed by the Army Field Manual.
5. THEN 2000: Favored "normalization of relations" with Cuba.2003: Called U.S. talks with Syria "appropriate."2006: Approved of U.S. talking to the Palestinian Authority.
NOW 2008: Said Obama's willingness to meet with enemy regimes shows his "naiveté and inexperience and lack of judgement."
6. THEN 1997: Wrote legislation to ban lobbyists from political campaigns. Said lobbyist fundraisers "clearly represent a conflict of interest."
NOW 2008: Campaign relies on more than 170 lobbyists to raise money and serve as aides and advisers.
7. THEN February 2008: Called Obama's insistence that America can track down and kill Al Qaeda in Pakistan the "confused leadership of an inexperienced candidate."
NOW September 2008: Voiced no objections when Bush ordered U.S. special forces to invade Pakistani territory in pursuit of Al Qaeda militants.
8. THEN Sept. 16th, 2008: "I do not believe that the American taxpayer should be on the hook for AIG."
NOW Next day: Backed bailout: "There were literally millions of people whose retirement, whose investments, whose insurance were at risk here."
9. THEN October 2006: Tells Chris Matthews of Hardball, "I think gay marriage should be allowed."
NOW Minutes later: "I do not believe that gay marriages should be legal."