21 October 2011

ABC News Looks At Where The Jobs Are: North Dakota

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Fed Officials discuss buying more MBS, Bernanke talks with Senators

20 October 2011

Dylan Ratigan & Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Discuss How The Federal Reserve Has Gamed Our Economy

The Conflict Of Interest between the Federal Reserve Bank and the bailed out Too Big To Fail banks has just been unveiled by a report Congress just released. This audit clearly shows that now it's time to say "Enough, is enough!"

Dylan Ratigan goes into a newly released Fed Audit report showing 18 members of the Federal Reserve Board are/were members of the Too Big To Fail Banks and voted themselves bailouts when the financial crisis hit. Seven of these board members were once the heads of the banks they voted to bailout. Dylan asks, "This is the first audit ever of the controversial and un-orthodox tools that the Fed used during the financial crisis to cover up the banks' problems and perpetuate a Too Big To Fail system with a dark casino based swaps market. Why should we care?"

He answers the question himself, "Because the group of people doing this are appointed, unelected, elite, platinum citizens who are exploiting our nation's economy and our nation's currency to preserve their own interests - mind you - unchecked, when it comes to power . . . "

Matt Taibbi: Why Occupy Wall Street Is Bigger Than Left vs. Right

How To Stop Corporate Welfare For Too Big To Fail Banks - Nouriel Roubini Says Use Hammurabi's Code

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