27 September 2012

Max Keiser On "Are You A Terrorist", the Bankstatocracy, and Interviews Frank Braun About Bitcoin And Shadowlife.cc

In episode 345 of the Max Keiser Report, we have Max go off on what comprises "terrorist" activity in the eyes of the US Government, what is up with the Bankstatocracy, and in the second part of the show he interviews a very interesting mysterious character named Frank Braun of shadowlife.cc and who knows an awful lot about bitcoin.

A very interesting show:

Real News Supplies Best Video, Commentary and English Captioning of Spanish Anti-Austerity Protests and Riots

At this point, Thursday morning Sep. 27th, 2012, this is by far the best close up reporting of the S 25 Protests (Spanish anti-austerity protests) from this week and uploaded to youtube.

In this video, you will see reporters up close in the melee, who are reporting as Policia beat not only protesters but the Press as well. You will view several Spanish citizens speak out against the current Spanish government, all of it translated into English, and you will also see and hear Policia fire rubber bullets into seated crowds while the crowd is throwing bricks and bottles at the Policia.

The crowd is comprised mostly of very young people and elderly folks; however, as was pointed out, even trade unionists, whose unions did not sign on to the protest, are in the streets because the government has labeled the protest a "coup-d'etat".

More Anti-Austerity Protesting Turns Into Rioting In Spain

Protesters savagely beaten back by Spanish Policia who have set up barricades around Spanish Parliament:

Here the Policia beat on a very young crowd which moves away from the swinging batons, only to reform and sit in the middle of a street in a classic civil disobedience move. The police quit their beating as the crowd, seated, yells chants at the Policia.

26 September 2012

Unveiling The Tea Party For What It Is: Billionaire Puppet Masters & Corporate Hands Inside The Muppets

The full length documentary "The Billionaire's Tea Party" was finally released to youtube in August of this year. For months, we had been treated to the trailers for this film. Now you can view the entire film for free.

As the film points out early, middle class Americans were seduced into thinking the Tea Party began with Rick Santelli's rant on CNBC on February 9, 2009, not even a month after President Barack Obama was sworn into office.

You will learn how the Tea Party really got its start back in the 80s when the Koch Brothers started their fight for a privatized America which would close down any government agency or social safety nets so that Oligarchs, such as themselves, could reap the rewards of doing business without any regulations or fines, or so they could make a business out of something once done more equitably and better by government- all for a higher price to Americans and for fatter profit margins for Vulture Capitalists on the inside track.

The Koch Brothers, David and Charles,  are prominent figures in the Tea Party because it is their money which has funded a 3 decades war against the government inaugurating so-called grassroot campaigns around the country, giving to the lexicon a new word for that which it is not: astro-turf campaigns.

In the 80s, the Kochs preached government is a monster, crippling our Economy, devouring our personal liberties. Their screeds against government and for privatization read like much of the tinfoil hat conspiracy literature which their father,  the founder of the John Birch Society, put forth in the 50s and 60s when there were Communists hiding behind every tree in America.

David Koch even went so far as to run as the 1980 Vice-Presidential Candidate for the Libertarian Party with a poster titled "A Monster Is Loose Upon the Land", which was a screed against Government and for Big Business without regulation.

The 1980 Policy Platform for the Libertarian Party as seen on this poster declares:

To Be Abolished:

Department of Energy (DOE)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Federal Reserve
Social Security
Public Schools

After reading that list, ask yourself which party, Republican or Democratic, has been captured by the Billionaires who are responsible for the Tea Party?

Without further adieu, here's your history lesson on how the Tea Party captured over 30% of Congressional seats in the 2010 elections. Prepare to learn why this was an astro-turf organization from Day 1 and who is really bankrolling "front" organizations which co-opted the early anger of Middle Class Americans about Too Big To Fail bank bailouts and switched it to a pro-Big Business stance on everything from Climate Change to Taxation.

It's a brilliant look at public suasion using tactics Edward Bernays would have been proud of.

Here it is, the entire documentary. "The Billionaire's Tea Party" runs 54:43 in its entire length. It is directed and produced by independent Australian film-maker, Taki Oldham.


p.s. A quick addendum. Here's a quote to add to this blog:

"If billionaires were allowed to influence the results of American Idol instead of American elections, there would be rioting in the streets."

- David Borowitz

Slide show of Greek protest turning into riots, yesterday, September 26, 2012

Chris Hedges: How Do You Take Your Poison?

IMF: Global Financial System As Risky As Before The Credit Crisis

Credit Suisse banker arrested for role in Credit Crisis of 2008

Richard Heinberg: Don't Worry, There's Plenty of Oil

Germany Becomes First Country In The World To Surpass 30 GWp From Solar Power

Charles Hugh Smith: Why QE May Not Boost Stocks After All

New Marketing Pardigm For Cars: Buy A Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) Electric Car, Get Free Fuel From The Sun, Forever!

September 25, 2012 Video Of Riots In Spain

The riots in Spain are spreading. Here's an upload from Tuesday, Sep. 25, 2012 showing what austerity programs will get you in a country where over 50% of its youth is unemployed:

Stat Counter from 10 Nov 08