America Sits Out The Clean Energy Race With China
“Unused Rooftops”: The Future of Solar Power
US Faces Water Supply Crisis
A New Spotlight on Japanese-Style Deflation
Euro nears level not seen since European bailout package
Another slap on the wrists of Banksters: Citigroup Inc. agreed on Thursday to pay $75 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission that the bank failed to disclose $40 billion in subprime exposure to investors
The Great Ethanol Boondoggle
Goldman's Leading Indicator Plummets To A Seven-Month Low, Predicts An ISM Collapse Next Week
The New Normal: Americans Cutting Back — Even If They Don’t Have To
Henry Paulson calls for shrinkingFreddie Mac and Fanny Mae
More Foreclosures Expected as Housing Crisis Continues
Dr. Housing Bubble: Real City of Genius – The Westside of Los Angeles. Three short sales in Palms, Santa Monica, and Culver City. $100k to $300k in discounts in prime Southern California locations. Short sales still too expensive even with large discounts
6 Reasons Why The Housing Market Has Not Recovered
Don't Count on Housing to Lead the U.S. Recovery
MISH: Housing Bubble will Not be Reblown; Foreclosures Increase in 154 of 206 Metro Areas with Population Over 200,000
President of the Dallas Federal Reserve explains why there is no job growth in the USA
"A Modern-Day Depression": Rosenberg Sees "Tough Slogging" for the Economy
BP May Attempt ‘Static Kill’ of Well Before Aug. 1
Prudential Insurance Sued Over Veteran Life-Insurance Claims, Lawyer Says
SEC Brings GIGANTIC Insider Trading Case Against The Famous "Swift Boating" Wyly Brothers Of Texas
Investing Advice:Finding the Right Dividend ETF: Aristocrats and Achievers
OMB nominee got $900,000 after Citigroup bailout
Justice Department sues Oracle for fraud
Microsoft Working on iPad's Rivals
Google Develops a Facebook Rival
Fed's Bullard: Fed would act if recovery fails
U.S. Economy Grew 2.4% in Second Quarter, Below Forecast
Americans cut back on visits to the doctor
PricewaterhouseCoopers laying off 500 people in Tampa
New York state government to fire 1,000 workers
First Data pink slips 355 employees worldwide (50 in Omaha)
Keeping A Wide Angle View On The World of Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, Economics, Politics, Science And The Environment
30 July 2010
28 July 2010
Business/Economic/Housing/Layoff News for July 29, 2010
Target To Close All 262 Of Its Gardening Centers Nationwide
Asian shares down on new signs US economy slowing
AP survey: A bleaker outlook for economy into 2011
Countdown to Gold's $1,300 assault
Chris Martenson . . .What Should I Do?: The Basics of Preparation (Part I)
Foreclosures up in 75 percent of top U.S. metro areas
Don't hold your breath for a bounce in home prices
Mish: "New Home Sales and Bear Market Math"
It Looks Like This Recovery Is Already Over
Fleckstein: "Deflation Crisis Doesn't Exist"
Five cities near Army bases to receive federal grants to build housing for homeless veterans
Independent Alternative World News from A1A News
How Warren Buffet "Destroyed" The Market
John Mauldin: "Deflation Dissected"
Schwarzenegger declares California fiscal emergency
What I've learned from market bubbles: "The Last Gasp of"
The inventor of Mortgage Securities says these bundled up pieces of sliced and diced crap were not behind the Housing Crash
More Builder Evidence of Tax Credit Goose, Post-Credit Bust
Government Mortgage Mods: Failure, or Just Flawed?
Northern Coast - San Diego : Amid crash, house rentals surge
Closing the Door on Homeowners
Alternative Energy - Engineers race to design world's biggest offshore wind turbines
U.S. wind power installations drop in first half of 2010
Duke Energy - The Amazon of Energy?
U.S. “Home Equity” Loans Revealing
Americans Tap $8.3 Billion in Home Equity, Least in a Decade
On too big to fail banks - "Let Them Eat Losses"
Outrageous! How Insurance Companies Profit Off Surviving Family Members Of Dead Soldiers
Atlas Didn't Shrug: Uncertainty In The Markets Forces Many Business People To Sit On Their Hands
Durable Goods Orders "Unexpectedly" Sink; How did Economists Blow the Call?
While Dow Theory says buy, leading indicators flash warnings
Must read for ETF Commodity Investors: "Amber Waves Of Pain"
Ex-NYC Money Manager Admits To Bilking Over $330 Million From Investors, Some Of Which He Used To Buy Collectible Teddy Bears And Invest In Race Horses
'Glenn Beck': Bell's City Council Pay Scandal
American Safety Razor Files for Bankruptcy With Plan for Sale to Lenders
Must read from Robert Reich - "The Great Decoupling of Corporate Profits from American Jobs"
In Vineland, more than 300 workers agree to furloughs and government will shut down for 12 days
King's Daughter Hospital in Ashland, Kentucky terminates 85 employees and reduces 150 more to part-time status
MTA board OKs public hearings on toll, fare hikes and approves 200 layoffs of token booth clerks
Navistar to cut 340 employees in Columbus as order for Marine vehicles comes to end of production
Hartford, CT: St. Francis Hospital To Lay Off 200 In August
Asian shares down on new signs US economy slowing
AP survey: A bleaker outlook for economy into 2011
Countdown to Gold's $1,300 assault
Chris Martenson . . .What Should I Do?: The Basics of Preparation (Part I)
Foreclosures up in 75 percent of top U.S. metro areas
Don't hold your breath for a bounce in home prices
Mish: "New Home Sales and Bear Market Math"
It Looks Like This Recovery Is Already Over
Fleckstein: "Deflation Crisis Doesn't Exist"
Five cities near Army bases to receive federal grants to build housing for homeless veterans
Independent Alternative World News from A1A News
How Warren Buffet "Destroyed" The Market
John Mauldin: "Deflation Dissected"
Schwarzenegger declares California fiscal emergency
What I've learned from market bubbles: "The Last Gasp of"
The inventor of Mortgage Securities says these bundled up pieces of sliced and diced crap were not behind the Housing Crash
More Builder Evidence of Tax Credit Goose, Post-Credit Bust
Government Mortgage Mods: Failure, or Just Flawed?
Northern Coast - San Diego : Amid crash, house rentals surge
Closing the Door on Homeowners

U.S. wind power installations drop in first half of 2010
Duke Energy - The Amazon of Energy?
U.S. “Home Equity” Loans Revealing
Americans Tap $8.3 Billion in Home Equity, Least in a Decade
On too big to fail banks - "Let Them Eat Losses"
Outrageous! How Insurance Companies Profit Off Surviving Family Members Of Dead Soldiers
Atlas Didn't Shrug: Uncertainty In The Markets Forces Many Business People To Sit On Their Hands
Durable Goods Orders "Unexpectedly" Sink; How did Economists Blow the Call?
While Dow Theory says buy, leading indicators flash warnings
Must read for ETF Commodity Investors: "Amber Waves Of Pain"
Ex-NYC Money Manager Admits To Bilking Over $330 Million From Investors, Some Of Which He Used To Buy Collectible Teddy Bears And Invest In Race Horses
'Glenn Beck': Bell's City Council Pay Scandal
American Safety Razor Files for Bankruptcy With Plan for Sale to Lenders
Must read from Robert Reich - "The Great Decoupling of Corporate Profits from American Jobs"
In Vineland, more than 300 workers agree to furloughs and government will shut down for 12 days
King's Daughter Hospital in Ashland, Kentucky terminates 85 employees and reduces 150 more to part-time status
MTA board OKs public hearings on toll, fare hikes and approves 200 layoffs of token booth clerks
Navistar to cut 340 employees in Columbus as order for Marine vehicles comes to end of production
Hartford, CT: St. Francis Hospital To Lay Off 200 In August
27 July 2010
Business/Economic/Housing/Layoff News for July 28, 2010
Coming Up . . . A Decade of Declining Home Prices
The Church, The Peak, And My Old Watch
Congressman Bernie Sanders: "No To Oligarchy"
Welcome to Bank Owned Las Vegas: Nevada's Economic Misery May Be America's Future
Gift From Fed Stops as Profits Shrink at Banks Led by JPMorgan
The End Is Near Unless Women Take Control Of Wall Street
The Death of Paper Money
Chinese banks may be on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars worth of unpayable Chinese construction loans
Apartment Rentals Surge in U.S. on Home Foreclosures, Job Gains
Census: Moves because of evictions increase
'Systemic risk' theory gains in stature as way to prevent the next bubble
Local Governments To Cut 500,000 People In 2010 And 2011, As $400 Billion Budget Shortfall Brings State Economies To A Halt
Bernie Sanders,
Fiat Money,
Job Gains,
Las Vegas,
Peak Oil,
26 July 2010
Business/Economic/Housing/Layoff News for July 27, 2010
Oil well just off course of Louisiana hit by barge this morning, 20 foot high oil spew still not capped, booms surrounding spill
US shopping center vacancy rates rose in 2nd qtr
Cap-And-Trade Advocates See Tougher Battle After Elections
Taleb: Government Deficits Could Be the Next 'Black Swan'
Unless women take control of Wall Street and America, 'The End' is near
The Illustrated Guide To Larry Summers' FinReg Hypocrisy And Hallucinations
The Government's Role in the Housing Bubble
Sickness, late pay, faulty equipment & lies . . . what it's like to be one of the non-inmates working for BP cleanup crews
With scores of coastal residents out of work after the spill, BP is hiring inmates to clean up its mess—and getting lucrative tax breaks in the process
Undersea oil plumes linked to BP Oil Volcano
As counties across the USA run defecits, more asphalt roads are returned to gravel
Derek Thompson of The Atlantic - "The Scariest Unemployment Graph I've Seen Yet"
James Howard Kunstler: "What Is It?"
London bankers buying up 1974 book on mechanics of Weimar Republic hyper-inflation
Head of Bush's TARP program for bankers, Neel Kashkari, wants to cut entitlements such as Social Security for the Middle Class
Cities looking at giving away land and cracking down on non-profits as a means to generate more revenue
Rochester schoolboard to give pink slips to 116 teachers
United Technologies to cut another 1500 jobs for remainder of 2010
Pennsylvania state government employee layoffs still coming
Must Read Of The Day - - - Roger Ebert: "BP's Tree Fell On My Lawn"
US shopping center vacancy rates rose in 2nd qtr
Cap-And-Trade Advocates See Tougher Battle After Elections
Taleb: Government Deficits Could Be the Next 'Black Swan'
Unless women take control of Wall Street and America, 'The End' is near
The Illustrated Guide To Larry Summers' FinReg Hypocrisy And Hallucinations
The Government's Role in the Housing Bubble
Sickness, late pay, faulty equipment & lies . . . what it's like to be one of the non-inmates working for BP cleanup crews
With scores of coastal residents out of work after the spill, BP is hiring inmates to clean up its mess—and getting lucrative tax breaks in the process
Undersea oil plumes linked to BP Oil Volcano
As counties across the USA run defecits, more asphalt roads are returned to gravel

James Howard Kunstler: "What Is It?"
London bankers buying up 1974 book on mechanics of Weimar Republic hyper-inflation
Head of Bush's TARP program for bankers, Neel Kashkari, wants to cut entitlements such as Social Security for the Middle Class
Cities looking at giving away land and cracking down on non-profits as a means to generate more revenue
Rochester schoolboard to give pink slips to 116 teachers
United Technologies to cut another 1500 jobs for remainder of 2010
Pennsylvania state government employee layoffs still coming
Must Read Of The Day - - - Roger Ebert: "BP's Tree Fell On My Lawn"
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