“I saw a couple that had been escorted out and they were confused as well, and the girl was crying, so I said ‘Why are you crying? and she said ‘I already voted for McCain, I’m a Republican, and they said we had to leave because we didn’t look right,’” Elborno said. “They were handpicking these people and they had nothing to go off of, besides the way the people looked.”
Keeping A Wide Angle View On The World of Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, Economics, Politics, Science And The Environment
31 October 2008
McCain Campaign: "We Don't Like Your Looks, Please Leave Our Rally"
29 October 2008
Many a Rich Child Has Grown Up in the Arms of a Poor Mother
One of the things which really grates my nerves is how many ignorant people out there believe Senator Obama is a terrorist, evil, anti-American, anti-white, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
Time and again, Faux News (FOX) and Oxy Boy (Rush Limbaugh) paint Senator Obama as a cold, hard, calculating politician who has no heart for the common man.
Well, here's a story from this morning which shows you the kind of heart and kindness which Obama has carried into this most momentous election. It's a story about Obama from 20 years ago, told by parents of a young girl who was stranded at an American airport, short of money.
This comes from The Ladner Report, and I'm going to take the liberty of re-printing the whole story here on my blog, just so that you can pass it on to those who continue to try and slime the good-hearted man, Senator Obama. This, folks, is another shining example of the type of man Barrack Obama has been all his life: a man of good conscience, kindness, and no racist tendencies whatsoever. Keep in mind, Barrack Obama was a student at Harvard University, where he did NOT use affirmative action to gain admittance. Instead, he filled out his application and applied on his grades and other merits earned in High Schhol. Unlike George W. Bush and John McCain who were admitted to Yale and the Naval Academy respectively on "legacy" affirmative action made possible by their famous fathers and their famous fathers's donations to the respective school.
This will go to show you the kind of man who will inherit the White House this coming January. It can't happen soon enough for freethinkers such as myself:
Oct 05, 2008
The Norwegian newspaper VG has reported a truly amazing story about a newly-wed trying to get to Norway to be with her husband, and the stranger who helped pay an unexpected luggage surcharge.
The blog "Leisha's Random Thoughts" has translated the story.
It was 1988, and Mary Andersen was at the Miami airport checking in for a long flight to Norway to be with her husband when the airline representative informed her that she wouldn't be able to check her luggage without paying a 100 surcharge:When it was finally Mary’s turn, she got the message that would crush her bubbling feeling of happiness.
"You’ll have to pay a 103 dollar surcharge if you want to bring both those suitcases to Norway," the man behind the counter said.
Mary had no money. Her new husband had travelled ahead of her to Norway, and she had no one else to call.
"I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I could manage without. But I had already made such a careful selection of my most prized possessions," says Mary.
As tears streamed down her face, she heard a "gentle and friendly voice" behind her saying, "That's okay, I'll pay for her." Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before.
"He had a gentle and kind voice that was still firm and decisive. The first thing I thought was, Who is this man?"
Although this happened 20 years ago, Mary still remembers the authority that radiated from the man.
"He was nicely dressed, fashionably dressed with brown leather shoes, a cotton shirt open at the throat and khaki pants," says Mary.
She was thrilled to be able to bring both her suitcases to Norway and assured the stranger that he would get his money back. The man wrote his name and address on a piece of paper that he gave to Mary. She thanked him repeatedly. When she finally walked off towards the security checkpoint, he waved goodbye to her.
Who was the man?
Barack Obama.
Twenty years later, she is thrilled that the friendly stranger at the airport may be the next President and has voted for him already and donated 100 dollars to his campaign:
"He was my knight in shining armor," says Mary, smiling.
She paid the 103 dollars back to Obama the day after she arrived in Norway. At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid community worker* in Chicago, and had started his law studies at prestigious Harvard university.
Mary even convinced her parents to vote for him:In the spring of 2006 Mary’s parents had heard that Obama was considering a run for president, but that he had still not decided. They chose to write a letter in which they told him that he would receive their votes. At the same time, they thanked Obama for helping their daughter 18 years earlier.
And Obama replied: In a letter to Mary’s parents dated May 4th, 2006 and stamped ‘United States Senate, Washington DC’, Barack Obama writes:
‘I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for reminding me of what happened at Miami airport. I’m happy I could help back then, and I’m delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in Norway. Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United States Senator’.
The parents sent the letter on to Mary.
Mary says that when her friends and associates talk about the election, especially when race relations is the heated subject, she relates the story of the kind man who helped out a stranger-in-need over twenty years ago, years before he had even thought about running for high office.
Truly a wonderful story, and something that needs to be passed along in the maelstorm of fear-and-smear politics we are being subjected to right now.
UPDATE: Thanks for the recommends, folks! Also, remember this was 1988, when 100 dollars was quite a bit of money, compared to today's value.
By the way, this would be the perfect antidote to the Smear E-mails going around. If anyone has a good long email chain list, shoot it out, and let it be passed along.
Dirty Tricks in McCain's Behalf: Indiana and Virginia Citizens Blow the Whistle
Well, there's very little chance the Republicans will steal this election eventhough they are pulling out the stops to mis-inform and dis-inform voters. Check out the flyer above which was being circulated in the Hampton Roads area of the Old Dominion before it was brought to the attention of the Virginia State Police.
From yesterday's Virginia Pilot Union:
A phony State Board of Elections flier advising Republicans to vote on Nov. 4 and Democrats on Nov. 5 is being circulated in several Hampton Roads localities, according to state elections officials.
In fact, Election Day, for voters of all political stripes, remains Nov. 4.
The somewhat official-looking flier - it features the state board logo and the state seal - is dated Oct. 24 and indicates that "an emergency session of the General Assembly has adopted the following (sic) emergency regulations to ease the load on local electorial (sic) precincts and ensure a fair electorial process."
The four-paragraph flier concludes with: "We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but felt this was the only way to ensure fairness to the complete electorial process."
No emergency action has been taken by the General Assembly. It is not in session and lacks the authority to change the date of a federal election. State Board of Election officials today said they are aware of the flier but disavowed any connection to it.
"It's not even on our letterhead; they just copied the logo from our Web site," said agency staffer Ryan Enright, noting the flier has been forwarded to State Police for investigation as a possible incident of voter intimidation. Election officials did not specify in which Hampton Roads localities the flier had been spotted.
State Police are aware of the complaint and are looking into it,
said spokeswoman Corinne Geller.
Dozens of Indiana telemarketers walk off the job rather than read scripts for McCain attacking Obama
Here's another high road taken by the Straight Talking campaign of the Maverick, John McCain. Since robo-calls are illegal in the State of Indiana, the Straight Talk Express contracted with an Indiana tele-marketer to have real live humans call voters and slime Obama using a script they were to read. However, there was a problem, a big problem, with this negative psy-ops war in McCain's behalf: some of these tele-marketing employees refused to be robots, instead, they critically thought and told their employer to fuck off:
Imagine that: tele-marketing executives not knowing how to return a call to an inquisitive reporter.Some three dozen workers at a telemarketing call center in Indiana walked off the job rather than read an incendiary McCain campaign script attacking Barack Obama, according to two workers at the center and one of their parents.
Nina Williams, a stay-at-home mom in Lake County, Indiana, tells us that her daughter recently called her from her job at the center, upset that she had been asked to read a script attacking Obama for being "dangerously weak on crime," "coddling criminals," and for voting against "protecting children from danger."
Williams' daughter told her that up to 40 of her co-workers had refused to read the script, and had left the call center after supervisors told them that they would have to either read the call or leave, Williams says. The call center is called Americall, and it's located in Hobart, IN.
"They walked out," Williams says of her daughter and her co-workers, adding that they weren't fired but willingly sacrificed pay rather than read the lines. "They were told [by supervisors], `If you all leave, you're not gonna get paid for the rest of the day."
The daughter, who wanted her name withheld fearing retribution from her employer, confirmed the story to us. "It was like at least 40 people," the daughter said. "People thought the script was nasty and they didn't wanna read it."
A second worker at the call center confirmed the episode, saying that "at least 30" workers had walked out after refusing to read the script.
"We were asked to read something saying [Obama and Democrats] were against protecting children from danger," this worker said. "I wouldn't do it. A lot of people left. They thought it was disgusting."
This worker, too, confirmed sacrificing pay to walk out, saying her supervisor told her: "If you don't wanna phone it you can just go home for the day."
The script coincided with
this robo-slime call running in other states, but because robocalling is illegal in Indiana it was being read by call center workers.Representatives at Americall in Indiana, and at the company's corporate headquarters in Naperville, Illinois, didn't return calls for comment.
Keep in mind, folks, that the Republican Party is the Party of Values. It's just they forget to tell you the values are negative values which prey on an un-informed and un-enlightened citizenry who believe Jesus talks only into the ears of Republican Presidents who invade sovereign countries and kill hundreds of thousands of their non-Christian citizens who had nothing, absolutely zero, to do with 9-11. Meanwhile, Osama sits in Pakistan mocking the Republican's handling of the global financial crisis. Mission Accomplished! Right-O.
What would Jesus not do? I tell you what he wouldn't do . . . he wouldn't be voting for another 4 years of corrupt Crony Capitalists profit immensely from war and socialistic bailouts of Sociopathic white collar millionaires and billionaires. And you can take that to the Church of your choice, Joyce.
28 October 2008
If Palin or McCain Were Rock Bands, Promoters Would Have to be Giving Money Back
Sarah Palin pulls only 5000 people to Tampa Bay Convention Center; Republican's Rock Goddess is playing to only non-thinking, non-critical fans.
The two Tampa Bay newspapers which have endorsed Senator Obama for President, showed a bit of restraint yesterday by bending over backwards to try and paint the flailing campaign of McCain/Palin in a positive light.
First of all, only one photo ran of Palin speaking: one of her, pretty in pink, asking the audience to pull her finger. What the newspapers did not show was a more than half-empty Tampa Bay Convention Center, and this is without explaining, in words, how empty the place looked:
In one article from the St. Petersburg Times published yesterday, we learned that
So, being the inquisitive type, I googled Tampa Bay Convention Center to find out it has a capacity of 17,000 people. Meaning Palin didn't even bring the place to a full 1/3rd capacity.". . . there was nothing but love for her inside the Tampa Convention Center on Sunday. At least 5,000 people, considerably more than McCain drew at the same location in September, showed up to cheer for the woman many said is the future of the Republican Party."
What a shame, because Sarah looked smashing in her new wardrobe as "donated" (the new operative word pushed by her handlers) to her cause.
Trying to defuse the clothing controversy, blithering beach blonde Television personality Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View, who introduced Palin in Tampa, called the clothing story "deliberately sexist."
"I'm actually most impressed by her accessories — like the flag pin she wears in honor of her son and our military men and women fighting abroad," Hasselbeck said. "They didn't list that accessory and its value in their reports, did they? You know why? Because they know it's priceless!"
Note to all Americans: flag pin means you are patriotic and support the troops. Lack of flag pin means you are anti-American and against the troops. And never you mind that Obama's campaign has received 10 times more donations from US Military members overseas than McCain, and that military famililes are a majority block voting for Obama in this coming election.
But I digress.
If I were booking rock venues, say a 17,000 seater like the Tampa Bay Convention Center and I could only sell 5,000 tickets, I'd know the artist I'm promoting has run out of gas. It would be like trying to book Janet Jackson knowing Ms. Jackson couldn't even show one of her tits to a Super Bowl audience two years ago to re-ignite her moribund career.
Palin was supposed to be the Republican's rock star answer to Obama. I'm telling you it ain't so, Joe. One Obama rally would have packed the Tampa Convention Center many times only.
Rock's Prediction: landslide win for Obama and most likely a landslide win for Democrats in both the House and the Senate.
When US Military donations are running 10 to 1 against McCain, you know this election will be a mandate for Obama and the Democrats to repudiate everything which the One Party Rule screwed up as they gave party favors to their wealthy sociopathic friends.
(One of the best laughs of the campaign recently was McCain trying to warn the country about the Democrats controlling the Executive, the House and the Senate without, amazingly, mentioning the 6 year run by the Republican's One Party Rule which has bankrupted the country morally, financially and militarily.)
We're fast approaching class warfare, folks, unless we elect a man for the masses who can calm tensions, soothe angry partisans on the other side, and use his intelligence to help solve problems created by The Party Which Wrecked America.
For my money, here's that man standing before We the People in the following photographs.
27 October 2008
Former Republican Senator Larry Pressler Adds His Name to Growing List of Republicans for Obama
I don't know how many more Republicans will join the list of "Republcians for Obama", but the list is now impressive.
Former Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.), who was the first Vietnam veteran to serve in the United States Senate, is the latest Republican to back Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign, Politico learned Sunday.
Pressler, who said that in addition to casting an absentee ballot for Obama he'd donated $500 to the Illinois senator's campaign, cited the Democrat's response to the financial crisis as the primary reason for his decision.
"I just got the feeling that Obama will be able to handle this financial crisis better, and I like his financial team of [former Treasury Secretary Robert] Rubin and [former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul] Volcker better," he said. By contrast, John McCain's "handling of the financial crisis made me feel nervous.
"The former senator added that he hoped the next president would help place restraints on executive pay, and said: "I don't think [McCain] will take action in that area, or he's as likely to.
"Pressler, who said that he had never voted for a Democrat for president before, added, "I feel really badly. I just hate to go against someone I served with in the Senate. I voted and I got it mailed and I dropped it in the mailbox, and it tore at me to do that."
Something not posted in this latest article is the growing list of Republicans voting for Obama/Biden instead of McCain/Palin. I supplied a list of Economists who are backing Obama in an earlier post on this board. Something tells me this coming election will be a landslide of epic proportions in favor of Obama.
Here's the list of prominent Republicans who are siding with Obama:
Elected Officials:
Lincoln Chafee, a former Republican Senator from Rhode Island
Larry Pressler, Former Republican Senator from South Dakota
Phil Arthurhultz, a former Republican state senator from Whitehall
Lowell Weicker, Former Republican Governor and Senator from Connecticut
Jim Leach, Former Republican Congressman from Iowa
Wayne Gilchrest, Republican Congressman from Maryland
Richard Riordan, Former Republican Mayor of Los Angeles
Jim Whitaker, Fairbanks, Alaska - Republican Mayor
William Weld, Former Republican Governor of Massachusetts
Arne Carlson, Former Republican Governor of Minnesota
Linwood Holton, Former Republican Governor of Virginia
Government Officials:
Doug Kmiec a former constitutional legal counsel to two Republican presidents.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Charles Fried, Solicitor General of the United States under Reagan
Jackson M. Andrews, Republican Counsel to the U.S. Senate
Susan Eisenhower, Granddaughter of President Eisenhower & President of the Eisenhower Group
Francis Fukuyama, Advisor to President Reagan
Rita Hauser, Former White House intelligence advisor under George W. Bush
Larry Hunter, Former President Reagan Policy Advisor
Scott McClellan, Former Press Secretary to President George W. Bush
Ken Adelman, served in the Ford administration
Lilibet Hagel, Wife of Republican Senator Chuck Hagel
Columnists and Academics:
Jeffrey Hart, National Review Senior Editor
Andrew Bacevich, Professor of International Relations at Boston University
David Friedman, Economist and son of Milton and Rose Friedman
Christopher Buckley, Son of National Review founder William F. Buckley & former NR columnist
Andrew Sullivan, Columnist for the Atlantic Monthly
Wick Alison, Former publisher of the National Review
Michael Smerconish, Columnist for the Philadelphia Enquirer
CC Goldwater, Granddaughter of Barry Goldwater