03 July 2010

Dennis Kucinich On Missing Billions of Dollars In Iraq And Afghanistan, Bringing The Troops Home, Securing Our Own Economy

01 July 2010

Pensacola Beach: Not A 4th Of July Destination This Year

If you have ever visited the powder white sands on Pensacola Beach or swam in the pristine green waves, this will turn your stomach:

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan: Need For An Alternative Investment Structure Instead of the Corrupt Stock Market

"Seventy percent of the volume [of trades on the stock market] is computers that are run by the banks playing ping pong with stocks for 10 seconds at at time," Ratigan said.

"The stock market at this point, which used to be a reflection of the future value of actual businesses in this country, has been turned by our government and our banks into little more than a paper shredding facility [about which] we can make up reasons why it goes up and down, but when the computers at the banks are controlling the action, most everything else is kind of silly."

29 June 2010

Oil Covered Whale And Dolphins In The Gulf; Smoke From Set Fires Pollute The Air

Here's the latest video shot by Independent videographer John Wathen/Hurricane Creekkeeper:

Stat Counter from 10 Nov 08