07 November 2009

Senator Bernie Saunders (I-VT) Says We Should Break Up The Big Banks

The Rush Limbaugh's of the world constantly try to denigrate Bernie Saunders as a "Socialist", "anti-American", etc. The labels cannot harm this man with a conscience. Here Saunders explains why most Americans should support the breakup of the Big Banks which are Too Big To Fail.

06 November 2009

Legendary Short Seller Jim Chanos: What We've Learned From The Crisis

Short seller Jim Chanos, of Kynikos Associates, was one of the first to predict the financial meltdown. Jill Schlesinger visits his office to ask him what we have (and haven't) learned.

Peter Schiff On The Federal Reserve's Lack Of Reserve, Why Gold Is Going Much Higher, Why The Stimulus Debases The Dollar

A Brief History Of Corporate Whining

See more of B. Deutsch's work at Lefty Cartoons

(click on cartoon image above to enlarge)

Russia Today Interviews Les Leopold: The Billionaire Bailout Society (2 Parts)

Part 1

Part 2

05 November 2009

Most Clueless Investment Advice For This Year

Sometimes you stumble upon a newly posted youtube video and you are so taken aback by it, you wonder, is the video poster chopping Drano crystals on the toilet tank top and snorting lines?

If you are a contrarian investor, you will want to short the FIRE Economy here and now for the next downleg, based on this video.

Get ready to laugh out loud at the punchline/sage investment advice at the end of this video. (No cheating by jumping ahead, the malarky set up is priceless, mis-spellings and all. You got to see it to believe it.)

"More Cowbell!"

Dylan Ratigan: The Magic Money Machine Backing Wall Street Casinos Is Out Of Control; The 4 Things Needed To Fix Banking In The USA

More and more I'm liking this guy, Dylan Ratigan, for taking on the greedheads on Wall Street.

In this video, he rants against corporate risk taking which is backed by our government. He tells us why our children's children's children will be paying for the fraudulent Capitalism backed by our Federal Government. And then he explains how he would fix banking in the USA from this point forward with four simple steps:

1. Inject transparency, primarily to bring almost $600 trillion of crooked insurance scams to the forefront. Force almost all swaps onto exchanges, not just the 20% as current proposed reform does.

2. Demand capital to back Wall Street's gambling.

3. Enact a tax-code to encourage long-term investment and discourage short-term profit. Fortunes should not be made in minutes but over years through the creation of value to society.

4. Break up the Too Big To Fail banking institutions. Start with Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan. Right Now.

04 November 2009

The Coming Crash In Commercial Real Estate

Be sure to read the words entered into the Congressional Record of 1891 by the American Banker's Association starting at 2:53 in this video:

ForexTV: The Recession Is Not Over

Chartists and followers of government induced borrowing will easily understand why it is easy to believe this Great Recession is not over:

Peter Schiff Thinks Warren Buffet Is Not Bullish On America, But Bullish On Commodity Plays

Stat Counter from 10 Nov 08