17 November 2008

Monday 17 November 08 - Afternoon Edition - Layoffs, Housing Crash & Pirates

Cartoons: Boston Globe's "The Ink Tank" . . . a daily roundup of political cartoons added today to the Watchworld "Links to Help You Think"

Housing: Realogy, the parent owner of Century 21 and Coldwell brands, close to default!

Veteran's Affairs: At least 1 in 4 Gulf War I vets suffer Gulf War Syndrome.

Politics: Newt Gingrich says Palin will not be a future leader in the GOP

Housing: Maryland Mortgage broker can no longer afford $6200 monthly payment on his home, so he is raffling it off.

Indian Ocean off the Horn of Africa: Saudi Arabian super tanker taken over by Somali pirates.

Canada: Why Canadian banks don't need bailouts; Why Canadian banks are rated Soundest in the World.

Money: 10 things to do with your money right now

Technology: What has driven women out of Computer Science?

Economics: Bill Fleckenstein - "Trillions Down and Still Bailing

Housing Crash: Phil Gramm has no remorse for his role in the current wipeout of the Finance, Real Estate and Insurance sector. Keep in mind, this is the guy who called us a "nation of whiners".

NBA: Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban accused of Insider Trading.

NBA: Scores and Standings

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