16 November 2008

Sunday 16 November 08 - Morning Edition

Florida Keys Economy: Economic Tsunami crushes marinas
Healthcare: Boston Globe's top of the fold headline today: "A healthcare system badly out of balance"

More American "consumers" fall into bankruptcy

Global Politics:
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev "warms up" to the USA because of our new President-Elect

Supposed red neck "Red State" of Kentucky jury tells the KKK to GTH. Bedsheet boyz will have to pay up $2.5 million for beating Latino (150 pounds) at the Kentucky state fair.

Yo, KKK: here are some real Americans, any one of whom have more cojones than the whole lot of you:

De0n Taylor:
A brother in arms

Cody J. Eggleston:
A brother in arms

James A. Bryant:
A brother in arms

Jose Garibay:
A brother in arms

Jorge Gonzalez:
A brother in arms

To the KKK and their paranoid supporters . . .
here is the entire list of real hornorable Americans you cowards will not acknowledge . . . unless . . . of course . . . their skin is your color

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