"I'm A Classy Realtor"
Every once in a while you read a story which makes you stop and think, "How can you allow yourself to say things like this to a reporter?"
After reading this story from today's St. Petersburg Times, I can now understand why so many houses for sale in Key West classifieds say, "Realtor owned".
It appears that Realtors were not only some of the biggest cheerleaders for rocketing Real Estate during the Bubble Years . . . they were also some of the biggest flippers who are now upside down on their bets.
Today's St. Petersburg Times brings us a story about two Realtor/Flippers headlined . . .
Down, but not out: "I'm not a real estate bum," Realtors say
The story begins with staff writer James Thorner giving us a close up of a harried Realtor with creditors breathing down her neck:
"Like an operator working a buzzing switchboard, Liz Seither deftly juggles the two phones that never stop ringing in her kitchen.
The 67-year-old Clearwater Realtor's eyes are puffy below unkempt flaming orange hair. She begs your pardon for not looking like one of Pinellas County's top home sellers, but her allergies flared up when her dog's fleas bit her.
Equally irritating are the bank warning letters laid out before her on the kitchen table. Seither invested - unwisely it turns out - in expensive Clearwater waterfront property at the peak of the recent boom. Lenders are after her for millions of dollars in debts.
After juggling 15 calls from debtors, creditors and clients, Seither lays the phones aside and delivers a pep talk to herself.
"I'm not a real estate bum," the president of Executive Preferred Properties announces. "I wear diamonds, Rolexes and necklaces. I'm a classy Realtor.""
This woman is 67 years old and she was playing Real Estate Roulette? Is she an innocent or an insider who let greed get the best of her?
Moreso: many a drug dealer, murderer, Mafia don, dictator, corrupt Religious leader, scam artist, etc., have covered themselves in bling to make up for their lack of self-esteem. MTV is wall to wall with lame Rap artists who rap about diamonds, Rolexes, Cristal champagne, high priced hos, cars, expensive wheels and cribs all day. There is not one shred of difference in attitudes about what comprises "class" with these shallow rap artists's and this poor 67 year old woman who seeks "class" through expensive doo-dads. She's 67 years old and her development is still arrested at the teen level.
But this post isn't about bling and shallow beliefs, it's about Realtors as Flippers.
Real Estate Roulette
Clearwater Realtor Anthony Marottoli's voice betrays a touch of envy when he recalls his 30-something neighbor who made the big score.
He recites the exact dollar amount the guy paid for his Mandalay Beach Club condominium - $475,000 - and how much he sold it for two years later - $1.65-million.
A 64-year-old Connecticut native, Marottoli entered the real estate roulette game a bit late. Despite asking almost $700,000 less than his neighbor, Marottoli hasn't found a buyer for his Mandalay condo. Doubling down, he's on the hook for another pricey condo at the adjacent Sandpearl Resort for $1.38-million.
His real estate business is down to a dribble of employees, from a peak of 20. He's no longer the "listing machine" that juggled 200 properties at once.
"I've been waiting a year and a half, waiting for something to happen. And it's not happening," Marottoli says.
Rock's comment: Buy more Real Estate now, Mr. Marottoli. You should double down on your double down as the Key West NAR is telling us every weekend " . . . there has never been a better time to buy Real Estate!"
Oh, and you know, Real Estate always goes up, right? Plus they aren't making any more land in Florida, right?
Chin up. Don't listen to the naysayers. Go all out and quadruple down, octuple down, and leverage yourself like a Master of the Universe at a Bear Stearns hedge fund. You're a Realtor and you know real estate is the surest way to big wealth. Screw those people you owe money to. They will just have to wait.
New Realtor Proverb: "People don't know you have too many until you have too many."
Brokers in Clearwater area waterfront property, that thin but rich slice of the real estate pie, were among the elite earners until about a year ago. Six-figure pay days were a matter of course as home prices, powered by speculative purchases, doubled and tripled.
But these days the waterfront runs red. Properties linger three times as long on the market as they did two years ago. Brokers like Seither and Marottoli have taken it doubly hard: They didn't just represent buyers and sellers, they dabbled in the investment arena themselves.
The housing slump has left the market oversupplied with million-dollar homes relative to demand. Listings on Clearwater area beaches approach 1,000. Sales in July numbered 30. As new condo towers open, the glut grows.
Says Virgil Sweet, a 24-year Realtor with Rutenburg Realty in Belleair Bluffs: "People don't know you have too many until you have too many."
Well, Verge, you'll learn later in life that wise people don't set themselves up to be slaughtered like hogs by making bad life decisions based on greed. This is history in the making, Verge, and this is the kind of thing you should tattoo on your forearm so that any time in the future when someone is yanking your eyebrow ring to sign on the dotted line, you stop, look, read your tat and think about consequences.
Jesus Loves Mutli-Million Dollar Producers, But Can He Sell a Home?
It's a no makeup day for Liz Seither at her home on Island Estates, a barrier island washed by Clearwater Harbor. She's still in slippers, but a diamond anklet dangles from her leg. That and the diamond crucifix around her neck bespeak better times when she prided herself as a "Multi-Million $$$ Producer."
She dials a prospect, a movie theater owner from Alabama who's been hunting for beach deals. His voice mail picks up. Seither leaves a message:
"Hey you bottom feeder you. Call Liz. Call Liz. I'm still your best Florida friend!"
She hangs up the phone and deflates. It's not been her lucky year. Banks threaten to repossess six of seven investment properties. She slashed millions off prices, but still no buyers. Of her 40 home listings, no sales are pending.
She rented her private residence to a guy who fell $15,000 behind in rent.
The guy arranged to pay Seither. But when she arrived he had vamoosed with her high-end washer, dryer and refrigerator.
One a recent day Seither took her dog for a walk and a neighbor flagged her down.
"Don't worry, Liz, you're the only one making money," the woman reassured her.
Seither hated to disappoint her.
"My heart was beating 100 miles per hour," Seither recalls. "It was hard to tell her I'm suffering like everyone else."
Liz, if your neighbor reads the paper, the jig is now up. It's going to be hell trying to keep up appearances after this one makes the neighborhood grapevine.Flip, profit, repeat. Flip, profit, repeat. Flip . . . uh-oh.
Anthony Marottoli sits in the lobby of Mandalay Beach Club. White caps curl and crash on Clearwater Beach behind him. He's tanned and dapper in a starched cream-colored button down shirt, slicked back gray hair and loafers without socks.
Families dally in the Mandalay pool, but Marottoli says they're all renters.
The plan seemed so simple. Buy a condo for $500,000 in Mandalay. Hold it a couple years. Flip it for big money. Invest the proceeds in another million-dollar condo. Flip. Profit. Repeat.
A lot of people had the same idea.
Of the 153 units at Mandalay fewer than 50 are owner-occupied. "The lights are off at night," Marottoli says.
By the end of the month, he has to come up with $1.38-million for a condo he reserved at Sandpearl Resort. He hopes to work out a deal with developer JMC Communities. He can't afford the unit.
By the end of the month, he has to come up with $1.38-million for a condo he reserved at Sandpearl Resort. He hopes to work out a deal with developer JMC Communities. He can't afford the unit.
One of his biggest frustrations as a Realtor is the sellers who cling to high asking prices. On the beaches around Clearwater, the average list price for single-family homes is $1.46-million, up over last year's $1.3-million.
"Out on Gulf Boulevard on Belleair Beach there are folks still looking to triple their money. Even in this dead market. See how greed plays?" Marottoli says.
"Out on Gulf Boulevard on Belleair Beach there are folks still looking to triple their money. Even in this dead market. See how greed plays?" Marottoli says.
This guy is 64 years old and he was playing the Real Estate Roulette wheel?
What is going on here with retiree Realtors playing in the lava flows of the Housing Meltdown?
From fine dining to all-you-can-eat meatloaf
Seither's agency is a shell of its former self. The 10 agents she once employed are mostly gone. She survives by managing rentals, 150 properties at last count. Rentals: It's a growth market.
At the end of another hectic 12-hour day, she's heading off to dinner. It won't be seafood on the beach, but $7 all-you-can-eat meatloaf next to Kmart.
She laughs a rare laugh before heading off to the feast: "We're economizing these days."
I don't know how people like this can keep hope alive. It reminds me of sociopaths who have no conscience, although in the case of this woman, some of you will think, "Yeah, but she's only harming herself."
Not true.
She's on the hook for millions. She owes other business people for her bad choices. Those business people have debts. If she's late paying back what she owes, its very possible, she might be the one debtor who puts one of them out of business.
She was "in the biz". She should have known how to do simple math. She had plenty of historical data to thumb through which showed the Housing Bubble was an obscene aberration for all time.
How in the world can anyone feel sympathy for this woman who could pawn off her jewelry (Rolexes, diamond encrusted crucifix, etc.) to help pay her debts?
Am I the only one here who feels this person is not being honorable?
Cake dreams
Behind the wheel of his Cadillac, Marottoli cruises Clearwater Beach. He observes the parade of lots set amid ticky-tacky tourist shops, hotels and restaurants. They're condo projects, the hits and misses of the recent real estate cycle: Indigo, Marquesas, Kiran Grand, Aqualea.
Condos figure in Marottoli's plan to revitalize his realty business. He wants to hold regular auctions and places his faith in fractional ownership, where investors pool money to buy million-dollar properties.
Marottoli pulls up at developer Uday Lele's office. Lele labors to get his Enchantment luxury condo project off the ground and displays a giant model of his horseshoe-shaped wedding cake of a building. Exuding confidence, he denies the existence of a slump when it comes to his project.
For a moment, after basking in Lele's enthusiasm, Marottoli perks up.
"I guess it's not all bad," he says as he takes his Cadillac down the strand, toward the condo he can't afford. "Good to see some life."
How do you break through to someone stuck on Real Estate that the game has changed?
How do you deprogram brainwashed Realtors into seeing what is happening and what is about to happen?
Is this guy not listening to CEOs of homebuilders? Does he not pick up a newspaper and read of the liquidity crisis which is now threatening commercial real estate and Wall Street?
How do you sober up those who spent too much time at the Housing Bubble punch bowl?
Jail worked for the S&L crisis in the 80's
Orange hair is not upscale, it is downmarket. I don't care how many Rolexes she has on - her hair is a give-away that she is engaging in an unsuccessful attempt to pass herself off as being richer than reality.
I suggest she carry a fake LV bag to complete her ensemble.
In Texas, people like her are called "$30,000-a-year millionaires."
These people need to learn that there are consequences to financial manipulation. If you win, sure, it's all good.
But when they loose, these bastards should not be calling for the federal government to bail them out.
After all, they can still eat out and wear rolexes, right?
An idea for a new TV show: "From Flippin' Houses to Flippin" Burgers". Cameras barge in on all of these losers as an auction is held to sell off all of their possessions, everything but, literally, the clothes on their backs. Zoom in on their faces as their "concerned" neighbors bid $20 for their used Rolex's. Watch them tear up as someone offers pocket change for the slightly used 15 foot sectional couch. Follow them out their (former) front doors with a paper sack containing their toothbrushes and a change of undies.
That would serve them right... useless trash tossed out where it belongs...
Orange hair, fake LV bags and don't forget the tattoos - a sure mark that the owner has an IQ equivalent to their shoe size.
Just goes to show, you can take them out of the trailer park.....
Its funny how people can sit there and say things that are not even true, she didnt sell her rolex to pay her bills, she sold it so that she could pay her employees. That goes to show what kind of person Liz is one who would rather sell her jewelry so that her employees can still have a job. I dont hear people saying anything about Island Estates Realty Broker, now if anyone is at fault for what happened here on the Island it would be her and her agents. For people who want to sit and judge Liz about the money she made and how now she is losing, well take a good look at our country its not just happening in real estate. Many americans are losing there jobs because its cheaper to have these so called companies move into other countries, or how about the increased price on food and gas. Let me guess thats Liz's fault to. All of you are just ignorant and blind. Wake up and realize our whole country is in trouble not just real estate. Liz is a wonderful person and is always willing to help someone if she can. People shouldn't speak unless they know what the truth is.
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Interesting post! I don't know more about the realtors, but with this post. I've got some idea. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Do you have some interior shots of this Upside Down Flippers property? Thanks.
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