Sarah Palin pulls only 5000 people to Tampa Bay Convention Center; Republican's Rock Goddess is playing to only non-thinking, non-critical fans.

The two Tampa Bay newspapers which have endorsed Senator Obama for President, showed a bit of restraint yesterday by bending over backwards to try and paint the flailing campaign of McCain/Palin in a positive light.
First of all, only one photo ran of Palin speaking: one of her, pretty in pink, asking the audience to pull her finger. What the newspapers did not show was a more than half-empty Tampa Bay Convention Center, and this is without explaining, in words, how empty the place looked:
In one article from the St. Petersburg Times published yesterday, we learned that
So, being the inquisitive type, I googled Tampa Bay Convention Center to find out it has a capacity of 17,000 people. Meaning Palin didn't even bring the place to a full 1/3rd capacity.". . . there was nothing but love for her inside the Tampa Convention Center on Sunday. At least 5,000 people, considerably more than McCain drew at the same location in September, showed up to cheer for the woman many said is the future of the Republican Party."
What a shame, because Sarah looked smashing in her new wardrobe as "donated" (the new operative word pushed by her handlers) to her cause.
Trying to defuse the clothing controversy, blithering beach blonde Television personality Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View, who introduced Palin in Tampa, called the clothing story "deliberately sexist."
"I'm actually most impressed by her accessories — like the flag pin she wears in honor of her son and our military men and women fighting abroad," Hasselbeck said. "They didn't list that accessory and its value in their reports, did they? You know why? Because they know it's priceless!"
Note to all Americans: flag pin means you are patriotic and support the troops. Lack of flag pin means you are anti-American and against the troops. And never you mind that Obama's campaign has received 10 times more donations from US Military members overseas than McCain, and that military famililes are a majority block voting for Obama in this coming election.
But I digress.
If I were booking rock venues, say a 17,000 seater like the Tampa Bay Convention Center and I could only sell 5,000 tickets, I'd know the artist I'm promoting has run out of gas. It would be like trying to book Janet Jackson knowing Ms. Jackson couldn't even show one of her tits to a Super Bowl audience two years ago to re-ignite her moribund career.
Palin was supposed to be the Republican's rock star answer to Obama. I'm telling you it ain't so, Joe. One Obama rally would have packed the Tampa Convention Center many times only.
Rock's Prediction: landslide win for Obama and most likely a landslide win for Democrats in both the House and the Senate.
When US Military donations are running 10 to 1 against McCain, you know this election will be a mandate for Obama and the Democrats to repudiate everything which the One Party Rule screwed up as they gave party favors to their wealthy sociopathic friends.
(One of the best laughs of the campaign recently was McCain trying to warn the country about the Democrats controlling the Executive, the House and the Senate without, amazingly, mentioning the 6 year run by the Republican's One Party Rule which has bankrupted the country morally, financially and militarily.)
We're fast approaching class warfare, folks, unless we elect a man for the masses who can calm tensions, soothe angry partisans on the other side, and use his intelligence to help solve problems created by The Party Which Wrecked America.
For my money, here's that man standing before We the People in the following photographs.

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