Bailout: Mish on Citigroups Terms of Agreement . . . no common stock dividends for 3 years, no executive compensation or bonuses unless submitted to the US Government
Wall Street: Another great piece from Watching the Herd which could be titled "No, Hell No"
Health: If you, a loved one, or a friend suffers from severe epilepsy, read this
Economy: Deflation, Monetary Velocity, and Why Gold's a Buy

Economy: More Americans are late on car and truck loans $22.9 Billion at risk
Bailout: Citigroup plan unveiled . . . Feds will "backstop" $306 Billion of Citi's riskiest "assets"
Bailout: Dems and Repubs in the House beat each other up over the Economic Stimulus
Music: Guns and Roses "Chinese Democracy" finally released
Saudi Arabia: Underground all female band keeps on rockin' in a Wahabi World

Detroit: NYT Op-Ed writer says no car company would survive a Chapter 11 filing
Iraq: Thirteen women burned alive after bus is bombed
New Jersey: Gunman shoots his wife in Church, wounds two others
Hollywood: Scientology guard shoots sword wielding man dead
Housing: One of the biggest myths about "The American Dream"
NFL: Scores and Schedules
NFL: Standings
NBA: Scores and Schedules
NBA: Standings
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