Senator McCain's concession speech set the right tone
Senator John McCain spoke with such eloquence in his concession speech last night that time and again I wondered, "Where was this John McCain of old during the campaign, Senator?"
Everytime the Senator mentioned the new President Elect or his name, members in his Arizona audience would boo like partisan robots shaped by Pavlov brainwash from Rush, Bill, and all the other amplifiers of attitude we've allowed to take over political discourse in this election and every election in the past 8 years. In response to the boo birds, Senator McCain gesticulated time and again with a tamping down motion of his hands and staring down his audience, in essence, telling them, "Look, the campaign is over. Show some respect. This is no time to act like out of control kindergartners."
Yes, Senator McCain, you showed something last night which you rarely showed in your campaign appearances where audience members would shout out "Terrorist, Socialist, Communist," even "Kill Him!" whenever you or your VP nominee invoked Senator Obama's name: CLASS.
Had you showed more class on the campaign road by telling the worst element of the GOP crowds to knock off the fascist rally responses, you might have picked up more votes from Independent voters.
Regardless, I don't wish you ill. And I hope you decide to retire from politics and takes some much deserved vacation time with your wife and family. You deserve the rest.
Also, let me thank the GOP
By making her unavailable to the Mainstream Press for most all of the campaign, you showed how little you believed in her ability to think and speak on her own. By bringing this obvious not ready for prime time neophyte more attention to her lack of press conferences, you opened up a barrage of investigation into her past. And what a sordid past this woman has! This woman has lied more than any Republican since . . . oh . . . Dick Cheney.
Now that Sarah has become a laughing stock for comedians everywhere, let us hope the Centrists in the GOP will take back their party from Neo-Cons and Pentecostal Taliban and agents of intolerance such as Rush Limbaugh, Bill O' Reilly, Pat Robertson, and preachers who do not want a separation of Church and State and who think Science is Satan Incarnate.
Let's hope the GOP will rid itself of religious quacks, Chickenhawks, Family Value hypocrites and sociopathic corporate plutocrats and kleptocrats, and bring back some sane Conservatives to prominence who preach balanced government, true democracy, and an unwillingness to plunge this nation into illegal wars.
If the GOP learns no lessons from this huge misfire of partisan politics as usual, then it will be relegated to the trash heap like its precursor, the Whig Party.
Hello, World, we're back!
This Nation is now going to rejoin the world.
We will not have time for cretins who believe their God is the only God, that humans once roamed the Earth with dinosaurs, that Science is balderhash and education something an "elitist" would seek.
Our newly elected President, Barrack Obama, is already a favorite overseas as the man shows more diplomatic skill than anyone since Dean Rusk. He's a man who listens, who doesn't rush into decisions blindly without weighing opinions and advice from all sides. Best of all, he doesn't cater to Neo-Cons or Taliban types from any religion.
Lastly, the man is Presidential. When he speaks, he speaks like an educated man, not a dimwit frat boy who skated through life on his daddy's legacy and the Affirmative Action his daddy pulled for him in college, the Air Reserve, business and government.
President Barrack Obama stands on his own merit. He stands on his own two feet. And he's surrounded himself with the best minds in all facets of government, business and Science.
Lastly he challenges our Country to be great again.
So folks, I'm no longer feeling depressed, gloomy, ready to pack up and move to Canada.
A new morning has broken upon the planet and the sun seems brighter and friendlier.
My hope has been rewarded. My faith in the American people has been rewarded.
It's "get busy time" and it's going to take a lot of work to help this new President of ours right our Economic ship.
We will rebuild our infrastructure.
We'll bring our troops home from foreign lands where they have no business being.
We'll invest in alternative energy to make us less dependent on oil.
And, with the grace of our intelligence gods, Osama bin Laden will be brought to justice once and for all.
I'm looking forward to the next four years like no other years since I was kid in the 60s and President JFK said we'd land on the moon in 10 years time.
Again, John McCain, thank you for the conciliatory tone in your concession speech. I hope more Republicans take your tone.
Again, thanks GOP for trotting out the same old Karl Rovian approach to politics which no longer work. It made Senators Obama and Biden look all the more classy and less partisan. And it tells your party leaders your party needs to change.
President Obama and Vice-President Biden, I hope you use this goodwill you've brought us to change the Country . . . and the world . . . for better. May your light shine brightly in our darkest hours.
Over and out on this historic morning in America and the World,
November 5, 2008,
DJ Rock
McCain Concession Speech: "The Failure Is Mine" (FULL VIDEO 32 min)
Good morning, boig. Yeah, he did take credit for the failure . . . and the Arizona crowd booed again.
But it was Senator McCain who picked Sarah Palin. It was also he who picked ex-Senator Grammm as his former Economic Advisor and current off the payroll Economic Advisor.
Then he had over 170 lobbyists on his election campaign payroll and he also hired the political goons who torpedoed his run in 2000 against Bush down in South Carolina.
He made a lot of bad choices, but listening to Palin and the GOP operatives are what lost this election before he ever got started running against Obama/Biden.
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