14 January 2009

Five Part Jim Rogers Interview Titled "America is Collapsing" Now Put Together in One Sequential Order

This past November, Jim Rogers was interviewed for over 35 to 40 minutes.

I only found part 1 of this interview by accident and although the interview took place this past November, about 7 weeks ago, I posted part 1 directly on my news website A1A News. (See Monday January 12, 2009)

This morning, I just found all five parts of the whole interview on youtube. I've now put them together in sequential order for us to enjoy and to chronicle for future use as the years go by.

Just watch part 1 of 5 and I guarantee (despite the sycophantic interviewer, Mary) you will want to watch all 5 parts.

In part one, Jim lets go with some great points such as:

  • The Citicorp bailout announced in November was good for Citicorp, not for 300 million Americans

  • The bailout is taking money from the competent to give to the incompetent, making the whole financial system weaker

  • Bailout money is still going to bonuses and Masseratis

  • Largest creditor nations in the world are now Asian, money power has shifted East

  • The US deficit has tripled under unelected people in charge of the bailouts

  • We must allow incompetent people and corporations to fail. Had Greenspan allowed LTCM to fail in the 80s, Lehman and Bear Stearns would not be dead today as their incompetent people would have been fired for LTCM associated losses in the 80s

  • Alan Greenspan is the man most responsible for the Global Financial Crisis of today. In the 90s, Greenspan went to Japan and lectured the Japanese against bailouts of their industries and banks which overextended. On top of that, Greenspan was a failure in the private sector. Every time he failed in the private sector, he rotated back into a job in DC . . . a town where failures are not held accountable.

  • Paulson does not take phone calls from teachers in Iowa or farmers in Texas. He takes phone calls from Wall Street. Paulson has been wrong for 100 straight weeks. Bernanke has been wrong for 200 straight weeks. So why does anyone in power listen to Paulson or Bernanke?

  • Einstein defines insanity as doing something wrong over and over and over again, expecting new results. Then Jim reminds us that Obama has hired many of the brains behind the current mess in financial markets.

And that was just a few of the bon mots in part 1. The other four parts are just as full with Jim's observations and thoughts. I believe we can all benefit by watching this enlightening and intelligent man, Jim Rogers, as he says things which few politicians, pundits or Economists are willing to say in these Hard Times which Jim feels will become worse.

I hope you find the five video clips educational and I trust they will prod you to think about how to prepare for a future with diminished expectations and returns.

Carpe diem,

Rock Trueblood
Key West

Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5

Part 3 of 5

Part 4 of 5

Part 5 of 5


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