13 March 2009

Jon 'Stewart Wins His Match Against Jim Cramer In "Brawl Street" On The Daily Show

Jon Stewart humbles Jim Cramer on "The Daily Show" last night. Stewart threw hardball questions at Cramer which made Cramer blush, sputter and fizzle out with his answers. Stewart indicts CNBC, and mainstream business news for that matter, for not "investigating" stories they are on, but simply regurgitating anything the crooks on Wall Street tell them.

Jon Stewart, in my opinion, is now the newly anointed Walter Cronkite. I trust Stewart to ask any uncomfortable questions which normal Americans want to ask so called experts and leaders, and he asks them with such honesty and intelligence, that he constantly exposes the hucksters, scammers and shallow thinkers time and again for the nation to see.

The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert's show are the place to go to hear questions asked which should be asked by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox. That Stewart is armed with brains and an excellent backroom of video editors and producers, allows him to hang guilty Masters of the Universe on their own petards, time and again.

Enjoy this interview. Especially interesting is how Stewart uses snips from the same video clip I posted yesterday of Jim Cramer. Serendipity at play here . . .

Stewart's Intro:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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