Yale’s Shiller Sees ‘Improvement’ in Rate of Home-Price Decline
Two Chatam, Mass beach homes pulled out to sea by fierce storm
Financial Armageddon: "Scenes From A Downturn"
IEA says world oil demand to drop by 3.7%
Financially strapped Michigan offers to imprison California inmates to earn revenue
The Florida Keys are ill-prepared for rising sea
U.S. Companies Seek New Tax Havens
Bill Fleckenstein takes aim at the Real Estate lobbyists (National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Mortgage Brokers) who are trying like hell to blow bubbles in Real Estate again
Mountains of paperwork stop foreclosure/loan remodifications dead in their tracks
EPA relents, discloses list of high-risk coal ash sites
Sears to Let Jobless Customers Stop Payments, Still Keep Fridge
Facebook vs. Google, how the social network plans to wall out the biggest search engine and steal its dominance on the Internet

Nearly completed 13 story Shanghai high-rise falls over
Dr. Housing Bubble's latest, "The Continued Crony Banking and Housing Industry Bailout: Foreclosure Scams, Japan Subprime Loans Coming Back, and Generally Bad Advice for American Consumers" is another must read for this week.
Nigerian rebels raid Shell Oil facility, claim to have to have killed 20 soldiers
New York to launch mortgage probe
Hookers hurt by Recession in Nevada
Foreclosures: The poor pets are getting left behind
Does USA 2009 = Argentina 2001? Part I: Falling economy reaches terminal velocity
5 More Banks Closed This Past Weekend
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