03 August 2009

Rock's Top Tip for Monday - August 3, 2009

Don't forget the always growing list of news headlines, be they business, economic, sports, military, world, etc., news at the always updating news site:


Some of the headlines printing this morning over there:

Call to boycott products advertised on Glenn Beck's show

Will Obama Raise Taxes on Middle Class?

Microsoft Word, RIP: 1983 - 2009

American with cold misses ill-fated hike into Iran

Is Health Care Talk Toxic for Cable TV?

The Big Picture Blog: Dive Right In!

Metals, Oil, Stocks Advance as Chinese Manufacturing Expands

Rio flight diverted to Miami as 26 people injured from flight turbulence, 4 seriously

Post-Apocalyptic movies are all the rage as Hollywood destroys the world

Feds Want Apple and AT&T to Explain Google Voice Rejection

Tweeting, texting render avid users 'present yet absent'

Jobless NYC woman sues college for $70K in tuition

Housing Bottom? No, the Mother of All Head Fakes

Housing begins to reverse 3-year recession in every US region, but 2nd half looks rocky


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