11 November 2009

Two Views In The Healthcare Debate: CNBC's Dylan Ratigan vs. Chamber of Commerce's James Gelfand + One Bonus Ratigan Video

Ratigan points out We the People are being left out of the current health care debate. We are haggling over values systems (abortion) to hide who is really benefitting from the current Health Insurance monopoly in this country. Lower quality, higher premiums and Ratigan asks, "Do you think your employer really cares as much about your health as you? You should be the "decider" of what type of health care you will need over your life, not the government, not the Insurance Company."

Ratigan also shows Auto Insurance commercials pitting All State vs. Geico vs. Progressive and wonders why we the citizens who can pick among competing car insurers cannot pick among competing health insurers which would drive down prices, and jack up quality? Good questions, Dylan.

Finally, I love how Dylan reframes the debate by saying, "Tell Congress healthcare shouldn't be a collective decision made by Corporate Communitsts or the National Government." Keep fighting the fight, Mr. Ratigan.

On the other hand is James Gelfand of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who says people are afraid health care costs will go up under the Democrats healthcare plan.

Liz Clayman doesn't want to eat out of Gelfand's hand. She points out that private health insurance costs have jumped over 74% in the past eight years for small businesses. She rhetorically asks, "This is an outrage, is it not?"

Clayman then asks this corporate flack for his solution to this problem. "Well, actually it should be pretty simple. It shouldn't cost us a trillion dollars, we shouldn't have to raise taxes by $600 Billion, we shouldn't have to slash Medicare by another $500 Billion," and then he suggests we get costs under control (the same thing the Democrats have been seeking to do since the 90s), and that we do this with tort reform, regulate the Insurance companies (did he really say "no more turning people away"?), but then this blow light says there are really only 10 million people in this country who don't have health insurance. That tells me right there this shill, this sellout, is no more than a squawking parrot of people who've got free health insurance as part of their employment package (like Congressmen and Banksters and Corporate Execs), while not having any idea how many people driving taxis, digging ditches, working in bars, hotels, and convenience store have absolutely zilch health care insurance because they cannot afford the payments.

What David Lareah was for the National Realtors Association in its run up through the Housing Bubble (chief Kool-Aid dipper), so to is James Gelfand to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Except whereas Lareah blew happy smoke up consumers' asses, Gelfand is trying to drive spikes of fear into consumers' minds and hearts.

Ratigan talks more sense than Gelfand, no question about it.

Bonus - MSNBC's Ratigan Calls out Guest for Lying: Coming on Television and Lying is Not Journalism

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