21 May 2010

New Jackass Of The Week: Rand Paul - Tea Party Darling In Kentucky; Says Obama's Criticism Of BP Is "Un-American"

I have to take back an Award of Dishonor which I granted on Brit Hume earlier this week, i.e.,
"The Jackass of The Week Award" from The Watchworld. But I must.

You may remember, Brit Hume, one of Fox News' Sharpies, said this oil leak ain't nothing to worry about, folks. In fact, he cried on air, "Where's the oil?"

To which I replied with another one of my blog posts "Raw Footage of the Gulf of Mexico Catastrophe".

Well along comes this week's Tea Party darling from Kentucky, Rand Paul, who is the Republican nominee for that state's Senate seat. Just when you think Hume's stupid comment cannot be topped, Paul says President Obama's criticism of BP (and I swear I am not making this up) is "un-American." See you for yourself in the video below. Go to about 4:59 into the video and listen to this Kentucky fried politician cry crocidile tears for BP, the multi-national conglomerate which we know ignored one safety violation and warning after another and which has resulted in the deaths of 11 men and the biggest ecological disaster in the history on the United States of America. Or better yet, watch the whole video and watch how George Stephanopolus ask hardball questions about Paul's past comments on the 1964 Civil Rights Act and how Paul stumbles all over himself blaming his past comments as being "distorted" by the liberal media. What an absolute tool of the establishment Rand Paul, Mr. Tea Party, is:

If the good folks of Kentucky elect this man as their Senator, they will get a guy who has been captured on video saying he supports discrimination of businesses to serve whoever they want, who thinks dangerous practices of businesses, such as BP, should be less regulated and not criticized. He is also against minimum wage, which he claims leads to unemployment.

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