US shopping center vacancy rates rose in 2nd qtr
Cap-And-Trade Advocates See Tougher Battle After Elections
Taleb: Government Deficits Could Be the Next 'Black Swan'
Unless women take control of Wall Street and America, 'The End' is near
The Illustrated Guide To Larry Summers' FinReg Hypocrisy And Hallucinations
The Government's Role in the Housing Bubble
Sickness, late pay, faulty equipment & lies . . . what it's like to be one of the non-inmates working for BP cleanup crews
With scores of coastal residents out of work after the spill, BP is hiring inmates to clean up its mess—and getting lucrative tax breaks in the process
Undersea oil plumes linked to BP Oil Volcano
As counties across the USA run defecits, more asphalt roads are returned to gravel

James Howard Kunstler: "What Is It?"
London bankers buying up 1974 book on mechanics of Weimar Republic hyper-inflation
Head of Bush's TARP program for bankers, Neel Kashkari, wants to cut entitlements such as Social Security for the Middle Class
Cities looking at giving away land and cracking down on non-profits as a means to generate more revenue
Rochester schoolboard to give pink slips to 116 teachers
United Technologies to cut another 1500 jobs for remainder of 2010
Pennsylvania state government employee layoffs still coming
Must Read Of The Day - - - Roger Ebert: "BP's Tree Fell On My Lawn"
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