Consumer sentiment dips in late August: survey
Mortgage brokers are becoming a vanishing breed
Shadow Inventory grows while Banks are adverse to realizing losses on foreclosures
Feds mull bringing back a housing tax credit for first time homebuyers
Price-to-Rent Ratio: Where Houses Are the Best Buy
5 reasons why falling home prices will be good for the economy – Higher homes values does not mean higher home equity, financial sector profits back up to 30 percent of all corporate profits, the mortgage debt equation
Widespread Fear Freezes Housing Market
Is the US Housing Market on the Verge of Collapse?
Time Magazine - Housing Market: What's Ahead?
Singapore Tightens Second Mortgage Loan Limits to Cool Housing Market
Long Beach, CA to layoff 130 city workers with a possibility of 100 more job cuts should unionized city workers vote to keep promised pay raises
Moll Industries to lay off 91 people at Seagrove plant
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