21 December 2010

The 2010 Census Data (With Sliding Look Back At Past Census Data)

This is an ingenious tool developed by the US Census Bureau. You can click on individual states to see their change in population. You can click on years at the bottom of the interactive graph to see a sliding trend in population growth overset a map of the USA.


p.s. And if the tool is acting "buggy" by not supplying you with the just released 2010 data, you may click here to go directly to the US Census Bureau site where their map's features seem to work quickly and all the time.

1 comment:

Charlie T said...

Yeah, Rock, I could not get the 2010 data to come up on the chart. But after I clicked on the Census Bureau link you supplied, everything worked. Nifty!

Stat Counter from 10 Nov 08