07 December 2010

Senator Bernie Saunders Tells The Truth About The War Against The Middle And Lower Classes

Had Senator Bernie Saunders (I-VT) given this speech before a million American middle class and lower class taxpayers and voters of either party, he would have been given the loudest standing ovation of any political speaker in decades.

This is one speech for the ages, folks. Pass it on to friends and family to let them know what is at stake with the lobbyists and Banksters now calling the shots in Congressional elections.


Liam said...

We need 99 more Independent Senators like Sanders.

J.D. Riles said...

Daaaayum. That's the most powerful speech I've ever seen out of a Senator.

Isn't it interesting it got no play on Faux News, MSNBC, ABC, CBS etc., and yet you could see it on CSPAN which has no paid advertising to dumb us down?

Thanks for the link, I am passing it on to everyone here at the office today at lunchtime.

Rock Trueblood said...

Hey Liam, couldn't agree with you more, although, I could still deal with men such as Russ Feingold(D) who just lost his seat up in Wisconsin and Lincoln Chaffee (R-RI) who lost his seat a few years ago.

Still, people such as Sanders are few and far between.

J.D., Sanders is a frequent guest on alternative news shows such as Thom Hartmann or Amy Goodman's "Democracy Now" broadcasts. Search them out on the internet. Their shows add viewers every month and have been adding more younger viewers than any other news outlets.

As far as mainstream outlets, I know Sanders is a frequent guest on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's show and Ketih Olbermann's Countdown. I think Olbermann's interviews of Sanders are tops, as the two men really go head to head with good questions and answers.

As far as Fox, NBC, ABC or CBS, Sanders is not that polite "stay within the boundaries" type of guest you want interviewed on a LIVE broadcast. The man will call you out if you don't know your facts or you misinform people. He will embarrass any news anchor out there who makes shit up out of thin air.

Lastly, it is to Sanders's credit that he recently told NBC that he would vote against the merger of NBC and Comcast if MSNBC persisted in keeping Olbermann suspended. After Sanders made that threat, voila, Olbermann was back in his chair.

Sanders reminds me of Andrew Jackson. He's tougher than all the politicians who are on the take and quiver when big businessmen or Shout TV hosts yank their chains. Sanders is the pitbull who bites back.

Stat Counter from 10 Nov 08