Here's a very quick . . . and silent . . . five year look at high frequency trades on the US's major stock market. Notice that in 2007, the volume spikes were clearly noticeable at the morning's open and the afternoon's close.
As time moves forward in this short video, notice how the high frequency trades become bigger and noisier between the open and closes.
By the time we read 2012, the high frequency trading is so prevalent, that the live representation on this graph looks like a pink noise generator used by sound men to set the equalization in a new arena or room where they are setting up a multi-million dollar PA.
Check this out. This shows why most of the volume in the stock markets now is not by longterm investors, many of whom have fled the exits years ago after losing faith in a rigged casino where the rule of law was tossed out the Penthouse windows of the Banksters who control the action:
p.s. As a bonus, here is a very short Max Keiser and Stacy clip talking about HFT being 86% of the NYSE daily volume and how just yesterday, a key executive of one of Australia's largest retail stock brokerages, just blew the lid off the damage HFT was doing to that country and it's stock exchange.
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