05 March 2015

Swiss Billionaire Carlos Civelli: "There's no way out, so let's live the good times for as long as they go!"

On March 1, 2015, Carlo Civelli, Swiss Billionaire and Venture Capitalist, was interviewed by Future Money Trends.

He thinks the Swiss Central Bank did the right thing when it unpegged the Swiss Franc from the Euro recently. He said, even though, the Swiss Franc appreciated against the Euro,  it has enabled the Swiss citizens the ability to run across the border and by goods produced elsewhere at a 20% discount.

However, this recent rise in the Franc vs. Euro means Swiss exports will be 20% more expensive.

Where this interview shines is where Civelli says he's never been a fan of gold, he has been a fan of gold stocks.

He says it was the introductions of ETFs that cross whipped gold prices up and down.

"Gold has become a "normal" commodity," says Civelli.

He says,  "gold is not a  hedge"  against all the money being printed around the world.

He says about the Quantitative Easing going on around the world, "the verdict is still out," on whether it is going to work.

However, Civelli cautions investors to think what might happen when interest rates finally go back up one day with all the trillions of dollars of different currencies sloshing around the planet.

"Nobody knows what is going to happen then . . . but you certainly cannot flee into gold because IF we all talk about the end game  and the scenario of a total collapse, I can see the governments telling everybody, 'Your money is now worthless, and the bonds you own are now worthless, and everyone will have to take a haircut.'" Then he ponders after saying that, "Would they let the people who own gold get away with it? I don't think so."

Civelli goes on, "So then the governments will say, 'Okay, guys, those of you who own gold will have to give it back to the Central Bank within a certain period of time, and we'll pay you whatever the gold price is at that time . . . So whoever owns gold at that time will not be spared."

"There is no way out, so let's live the good times for as long as they go."

Civelli talks about investing in oil. He's big on the "3 Ps", which stands for 1. Price, 2. Project, 3. People behind the project. He feels this is not the time to buy oil plays. He buys in the exploration phase. Today, Big Oil is buying up smaller companies already in the "production" phase.

There's more to the interview, and Civelli even gives the name and stock symbol of one Canadian mining company in which he's personally investing.

The name of that company is Callinex Mines, which trades on the Toronto exchange. It is a Canadian company, a penny stock at this moment. The stock symbol for stockcharts.com would be CNX.V. It closed at .37 cents per share yesterday.

You can watch the remainder of the video to hear why Civelli is hawking this as his one "idea" stock.

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