Breaking: Obama outlines his plan to create 2.5 million new jobs by 2011. American workers will rebuild the nation's roads and bridges, modernize its schools and create more sources of alternative energy. Calls his plan an investment in our future, not a short term fix to help solve our immediate crisis.
Economy: Obama formulating an agressive 2 year plan to revive the Economy
Layoffs: India says 500,000 textile will be snipped within six months due to global crisis.
Great Britain: No more "happy hour" at pubs?
Religion: Malaysia's Islamic hierarchy issues a fatwa which bans yoga as it has "elements" of other religions in it. Sez yoga could "corrupt" the spirit. No mention of all the young suicide bombers brainwashed by Team Islam. As the Church lady used to say, "How convenient!"
Miami/NYC: Art dealer busted for selling forgeries.
Pakistan: Another coward has gone to the 72 Virgins Hotel
Bush Legacy: So little time, so much damage to do. “If you thought the first hundred days of the Bush Administration were bad, just wait and see what the last hundred could bring,”
Mish: "I like Gold here"
Politics: Do you know the three letter word responsible for the Republican's getting kicked to the curb? Kathleen Parker in her WaPo rant sez, "the GOP has surrendered its high ground to its lowest brows."
Obama: Hiring only the best insiders. See what David Brooks wrote yesterday in the NYT
Religion: Kansas pastor should be the newest cast member of MTV's "Jackass"
Buyout? Somali pirates in discussions to buy Citigroup ;>)
Obama: Hillary acepts
Motley Fool: One of my favorite posters of all time, WendyBG, wrote this letter to her editor about how George W. Bush is spitting in the eyes of the American people one last time before he leaves office. Wendy, don't you ever die, grrrrrl!
Economy: Obama formulating an agressive 2 year plan to revive the Economy
Layoffs: India says 500,000 textile will be snipped within six months due to global crisis.
Great Britain: No more "happy hour" at pubs?
Religion: Malaysia's Islamic hierarchy issues a fatwa which bans yoga as it has "elements" of other religions in it. Sez yoga could "corrupt" the spirit. No mention of all the young suicide bombers brainwashed by Team Islam. As the Church lady used to say, "How convenient!"
Miami/NYC: Art dealer busted for selling forgeries.
Pakistan: Another coward has gone to the 72 Virgins Hotel
Bush Legacy: So little time, so much damage to do. “If you thought the first hundred days of the Bush Administration were bad, just wait and see what the last hundred could bring,”
Mish: "I like Gold here"
Politics: Do you know the three letter word responsible for the Republican's getting kicked to the curb? Kathleen Parker in her WaPo rant sez, "the GOP has surrendered its high ground to its lowest brows."
Obama: Hiring only the best insiders. See what David Brooks wrote yesterday in the NYT
Religion: Kansas pastor should be the newest cast member of MTV's "Jackass"
Buyout? Somali pirates in discussions to buy Citigroup ;>)
Obama: Hillary acepts
Motley Fool: One of my favorite posters of all time, WendyBG, wrote this letter to her editor about how George W. Bush is spitting in the eyes of the American people one last time before he leaves office. Wendy, don't you ever die, grrrrrl!
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