Texas: A Texas grand jury indicts Vice-President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Says Cheney profits from his holdings in private jails and denying human beings of their rights. Cites money trail of Cheney's holdings. Gonzales cited for using his position to stop investigations into Cheney's organized criminal behavior.

Press Wars: Associate Press suspends use of Department of Defense photos because of doctored new General's photo.
Layoffs: Time Magzine to cut 250. Time Incorporated to cut another 350.
Somalia: Somali pirates luxurious lifesytles
Iraq: Parliament erupts in shouting and screaming over new 3 year pact concerning American occupation and withdrawal. Adjourned early.
Iraq: America agrees to Iraqi demands . . . private security contractors no longer immune from Iraqi law
Russia: Lower house of Parliament approves extending Presidential terms from four to six years
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