16 November 2008

Sunday 16 November 08 - Afternoon Edition - New Wildfire Erupts *****"The End of Wall Street"*****

Healthcare: Obama's healthcare plans are the last ray of hope for many uninsured Americans.

China: The World's most stressful society?

Iraq: Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Solagh states Iraq will triple oil exports in 10 years.

Canada: Joint Canadian/American bailout of North American Auto Industry?

Automakers: Top Republican Senator Shelby against any bailout of a "Dinosaur" industry.

Japan: Kyocera, 4th largest solar cell manufacturer, to build new plant. Says demand is so great, solar cell output will rise 50% by 2010.

Publishing: Can Obama save print media?

Retail: Are the days of conspicuous consumption done? Are the malls dead?

Watchworld's new "Links to Make You Think" addition: www.deadmalls.com

Washington: Kissinger thinks Hillary would make a great Secretary of State

NFL: Proposal to change the way Overtime is handled

NBA: Results from last night . . . Labron James scores 38 as Cavs win streak reaches 7.

NBA: Standings


Conchscooter said...

Great stuff, lots to read and ponder. Thank you for the link.

Rock Trueblood said...

Conchscooter, thanks for the kind words.

I'm slowly adjusting many things on this blog, trying to feel which layout works best.

And comments or criticism, good or bad, is most welcome.

I was going out to ride today, earlier, with my camera, but it was so darn windy, I decided to do some more 'puter work.

Going to watch the Dolphins game now.



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